News Highlights: Abiy visits Europe, undocumented deaths on refugee routes in Africa, Eritrean accused of aiding kidnappers on trial in Germany

In this week’s news highlights: At least 18,400 migrants died in Africa since 2014, says AP; Eritrea accuses Germany of “meddling” in its affairs; Sudan and Eritrea to normalize relations: report; social media manipulation could threaten African democracies; trial against alleged Eritrean trafficking gang member; Danish Refugee Council denounces EU-Libya cooperation on migration; almost 100,000 migrant boat arrivals in 2018; Austria not to sign global migration compact; de facto leader of Eritrean church says Patriarch “lost faith”; Germany and the Netherlands to finance Nigerien border force; and French-Italian rivalry could harm Libyan peace process.

New report: ‘Trust and the Triggers of Trauma. Exploring experiences of the trust between Eritrean unaccompanied minors and their caregivers in The Netherlands’

Recently, Tilburg University and EEPA published their latest report for the Dutch unaccompanied refugee minor organization Nidos Foundation investigating the situation of unaccompanied Eritrean minors in The Netherlands. The research focuses on the high incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress in relation to the lack of trust between Unaccompanied Minors of Eritrea and their caregivers. The purpose of this report has been to present findings and conclusions as well as to give a set of practical recommendations.