News Highlights: Humanitarian crisis worsens in Sudan, Eritrean refugees in dire conditions, Report on Croatian pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Humanitarian crisis worsens in Sudan; Seven-day ceasefire set and broken in Sudan; Eritrean refugees in dire conditions; Abiy warns Isaias; More than 100.000 people flee Sudan; UN and USAID pause aid in Tigray; UNSG sends a letter to Eritrea; UN Security Council report on arms embargo in South Sudan; Conflict in Amhara continues; Biden signs Executive Order; EUBAM attends border conference with Libyan delegation; Djibouti announces crackdown on migrants; Tunisian authorities to build new cemeteries for refugees and migrants; Report on Croatian pushbacks; Dutch Court stops returns of asylum seekers to Italy; Sea-Watch accuses Italy of handing over refugees and migrants to Libya; Austria and Italy allied against irregular migration; Pope Francis warns about nationalism in Europe; Kılıçdaroğlu vows to repatriate Syrian refugees; Germany to examine asylum procedures out of the EU.

News Highlights: Eritrean refugees in Addis forcibly moved and called to register, SSA in Libya tortures returned refugees, Forced returns by Greece

In this week’s News Highlights: Refugees International concerned about forced movement of Eritrean refugees; Eritrean refugees in Addis Ababa called to register themselves; Amnesty urges Ethiopian authorities to investigate massacre of 400 Amhara civilians; TPLF, federal government negotiating teams at odds; CPJ urges Tigray authorities to release journalists; Researchers describe why thousands of Ethiopians flee; US Embassy charge d’affaires says goodbye to the Eritrean people with strong message; 18 million people food insecure in the Horn; Sudanese army fuels tribal tensions, say pro-democracy groups; EU reiterates support to Khartoum for democratic transition; Niger/EU partnership based on border security only, say human rights groups; Libyan militia intercepting boats are taking refugees and migrants to be tortured; Mediterranean crossings becoming more frequent and more deadly; Turkey reiterates accusation of illegal pushbacks by Greece; 3,000 migrants and refugees found in Serbian border camps; African leaders to meet with US to discuss food and climate issues in December.

News Highlights: Ethiopia establishes negotiation committee, First Rwanda flight from UK cancelled, Digital human rights concerns

In this week’s News Highlights: Ethiopian government established a negotiation committee; WFP forced to cut humanitarian aid in South Sudan for financial reasons; Drought weakens health system in Somalia and Somaliland; Special Rapporteur on Eritrea observe deterioration of human rights, 80 people rescued off the coasts of Tunisia and Libya; Thousands of people deported from Algeria and Libya to the Nigerian border; First flight to Rwanda from UK cancelled; Urgent attention needed on trafficking in human beings in Portugal, say experts; EU resolution calls for a ban on the import of forced labour products; Tightening of residence permit conditions in Turkey, especially for Syrians; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights concerned by “forcibly deported” Ukrainian children; Human rights rapporteurs’ concern grows over rising digital authoritarianism.