News Highlights: Calls for civilian transitional government in Sudan, Libyan fighting traps refugees, Eritreans instructed to hand over IDs

In this week’s news highlights:  Protest leaders call for forming interim civilian ruling council in Sudan; UNSC asked to support Sudanese protestors; Human rights abuses in Eritrea continue, says report; Eritreans are called to handover their ID cards by presidential order; Ethiopia’s revised refugee law comes into force; Thousands of refugees and migrants trapped in Libyan detention centers amid ongoing fighting; Organizations call for immediate release of migrants and refugees from Libyan detention centers; Italian interior minister signs another directive against NGO rescue missions; German Chancellor warns of escalating violence in Libya; Tear gas used as clashes break out in migrant and refugee camps in Greece; and a Greek Coastguard vessel  returns boat with 35 refugees on board back to Turkey.

News Highlights: Ethiopia’s navy plans, Eritrea takes chair of Khartoum Process, report accuses EU of complicity in refugee abuse

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea chairs the Khartoum process; France to help Ethiopia in building its navy; the Ethiopian Airlines disaster; Eritrean civil society launches social media campaign against the regime; the UN Human rights Council discusses human rights in Eritrea; Sudanese President reshuffles cabinet; Libya asks support in rescue activity in the desert; Panel on Libya crimes in Geneva; German Government responds to voluntary returns in the context of the EU-Turkey deal, and Amnesty International condemns EU for accountability in abuses along Balkan Route and the EU responsibility in Libya humans rights violations. 

News Highlights: Refugees in Libya protest conditions, EU external funding re-assessed, Meeting Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Sudan

In this week’s news highlights: the EU stands responds to Hungry’s representation of its migration policy; the S&D group deplores the lack of human rights consideration in the EU migration policy; The European Parliament wants to consolidate the EU’s external funding instruments; France arrests more than 60 migrants trying to reach the UK by boat in Calais; Refugees protest against inhumane conditions in Libyan detention centres; Human traffickers profit from returns to Libya; Chad closes its border with Libya; South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea meet in Juba to strengthen their relations; US congress visits Eritrea for the first time in 14 years; and Kenya and Somalia work on peace under the mediation of Ethiopian Prime Minister.