The African Union criticizes the EU’s disembarkation platforms

The African Union (AU), with Egypt as the current chair state, is hoping to halt the plan to establish so called regional disembarkation platforms proposed by EU leaders during the summer of 2018. The Guardian’s article reveals that the AU member states, in their ‘common African position paper’, discourage African coastal states from any cooperation with Brussels as the EU’s proposition would go against international law and would cause a creation of “de facto detention centers”

News Highlights: European Parliament approves border funding, France equips Libyan coast guard, Testimony on organ trafficking in Egypt

In this week’s News Highlights:  Sudan student rallies ramp up as more arrests take place; UN Security Council discusses Eritrea – Djibouti relations; UNHCR reports on plans for refugees in Ethiopia; the UN reports high levels of violence in South Sudan;  More refugees flown from Libya to Niger; France provides equipment to Libyan Coast Guard; the consequences of economic crisis in Libya; testimony on organ trafficking in Egypt; LIBE Committee votes to increase border management funding; EU’s migration policy aids human trafficking, states article; Sea Watch 3 vessel still blocked in Sicily; documentary on Mediterranean Sea boats is nominated for Oscar; and the Council of Europe reports on refugees camps conditions in Greece.

News Highlights: Sudan-Eritrea border to reopen, CSOs call for UN mission in Sudan, Sea-Watch 3 finally docks

In this week’s news highlights: Civil society organisations call for international fact finding mission in Sudan; arrests continue in Sudan despite order to release prisoners; border between Eritrea and Sudan will reopen after a year; UPR review for Eritrea takes place; roadmap for cooperation Eritrea-Ethiopia is ready, says Ethiopia; 350 migrants evacuated from Yemen; ship with 47 migrants finally allowed to dock; Nigerian girls trafficked for prostitution in Italy; EU is building walls by supporting dictatorial regime, states article; France evacuates Paris migrant camp; UNHCR evacuates first people from Libya in 2019; and a teenager in the UK tells his harrowing Libya story.