News Highlights: Tigray-Ethiopia peace agreement signed; Fatal double bombing in Mogadishu; Nearly 1000 migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation

In this week’s news highlights: Tigray- Ethiopia Peace agreement signed; Filsan Abdi and her resignation over the Tigray conflict; WHO says Tigray region has run out of medical supplies; Situation rapidly deteriorating, but the population does not revolt; Double terrorist bombing in Mogadishu; Closing women’s clinic in South Sudan symptomatic of waning donor interest; 8 million South Sudanese to face acute food insecurity; Resurgence of ethnic clashes in Blue Nile state; Cash handouts as alternative to alleviate drought suffering; EU funds Egyptian border control to curb migration via Libya; Torture of a minor Eritrean refugee in Libya; UN experts condemn lack of accountability for abuses at Europe’s border; EU looks to strengthen ties with Western Balkans; Lack of political will on migration solidarity; Report calls for an end to Eritrean diaspora tax; Czech Council presidency proposes reworked voluntary relocation mechanism; Extension of internal border checks with Slovakia; 1000 rescued migrants and refugees waiting for disembarkation; The food crisis must be addressed at a global level.

News Highlights: Shelling and troop build-up in Tigray, Border checks in Schengen area, 97 people drown in Mediterranean

ttempts to build bridges with pro-democracy movement; 650.000 Sudanese children at risk of severe malnutrition; Sudanese government offers contribution to solve conflict in Ethiopia; Authorities take newspaper and bar association to court; Kenya workers suffer abuses and violation of rights;  UNSC renews mandate for inspection of vessels along Libyan coast; Greek Migration minister accuses EU of using external border states as “refugee parking lots”;  Refugee and migrant population down by 50% in Greece since last year; ECJ rules against Hungarian asylum law; Czech and Austrian border guards to renew checks on border with Slovakia; Pope Francis calls for support to migrants as Italy elects far right wing government; What do the Italian elections imply for EU migration policy?; and 97 asylum seekers dead after Lebanese boat capsizes.

News Highlights: Escalation between Sudan and Ethiopia, Deadly panic in Melilla, Asylum seekers forcibly involved in Greek pushbacks

In this week’s News Highlights: AU concerned about escalating tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia; Eight dead in 30 June anti-coup protests in Sudan; Drought increasingly impacting socio-economic situations in the Horn; Human Rights Commission “alarmed” by the violations in Ethiopia; At least 1 dead and 30 missing at sea after a shipwreck off the coast of Libya; Rise of access constraints for humanitarians in Libya; Panic at the Melilla border kills 37 migrants and refugees; Greek authorities allegedly use asylum seekers to carry out pushbacks for them; Torture and human rights violations in Lithuanian detention centres; Tougher prison sentence for smugglers and illegal entries in the UK; Migrant shot near Dunkirk; New UNICEF report launched on the situation of children in conflicts zone.