UN Human Rights Council upcoming elections: organizations express concern

In October 2018, the next UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) meeting will determine which states will sit as members of the Council for the next three years. In a letter sent to the Permanent Representatives of Member States of the Human Rights Assembly, a number of NGOs and other organizations have expressed their concerns that there are several States running for election that fail to fulfill human rights standards. In addition, some countries fall short in cooperation with  the UNHRC and other UN bodies.

News Highlights: No ground for Eritrea asylum says Swiss Court, Libyan coastguard “abandoned people”,Tajani: “Niger example of EU success”

In this week’s news highlights: With the peace deal, Eritrean people hope to gain their rights; Religious prisoners in Eritrea released, but numbers are unclear; UN sanctions arms flow to South Sudan; Ethiopian intellectuals submit their proposal on peace talks; Somalia’s future under the MAF; Spanish NGO finds dead people, says Libyan Coastguard abandoned them; 8 people dead, 90 in serious condition in Libya after journey in shipping container; Swiss Court does not find legal basis to provide asylum to Eritreans; and EP President Tajani sees Niger as reflection of EU’s success.

New agreement ends no war, no peace situation between Ethiopia and Eritrea

Eritrea and Ethiopia have agreed to end the conflict that has existed between the two countries since 1998. In signing the agreement the Prime Ministers of the two countries made a commitment to begin normalizing relations between their countries. In announcing the agreement Eritrean Information Minister said that the “state of war that existed between the two countries has come to an end”.