Horn Highlights: Amnesty launches Ethiopia campaign amidst failing media attention, Horn drought has major impact on children

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Amnesty International sections launch campaign to raise awareness on Ethiopia; Increase in child marriage due to drought, states UNICEF; US welcomes Tigray withdrawal from Afar; 2 muslims killed in clash in Addis Ababa; Severe environmental impact on Tigray a setback for the region; Malnourishment high among children and pregnant women in Tigray; TPLF accuses OCHA of misrepresenting Western Tigray areas as Amhara region; Ethiopian government says that soldiers who requested asylum in Sudan are victims of propaganda; Health workers say that healthcare in Tigray is failing; Protests take place on anniversary of al-Bashir’s ousting in Sudan.

Horn Highlights: Report of mass killing in Afar town, Video shows Ethiopia/Eritrea cooperation, US sanctions Somali officials

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian-allied forces accused of killings of Tigrayans; Impact of drone strikes; Tigray report says over 120.000 women and girls raped in Tigray; Video appears to show Eritrean and thiopian military cooperation during a time where it was denied; UAE sends humanitarian aid to Tigray; Analyts says clear links exist between Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia; US sanctions Somali officials over election delays; China appoints a special Horn envoy.

News Highlights: Borrell frustrated by lack of EU action on Ethiopia, Libya expels asylum seekers, France/UK coordination of rescues fails

In this week news highlights: New joint report on atrocities in Western Tigray; EU top diplomat says Ethiopia is his biggest frustration, as some member states block decisive action; More journalists arrested in Ethiopia; NYT reports on how Abiy planned the war; UNHCR face funding shortfall in Ethiopia; UN Human Rights Council to meet on Ethiopia; Over 800,000 affected by South Sudan floods; Asylum seeker and refugees forcefully expelled from Libya; 78 migrants rescued by Tunisia navy, one person dead; Refugees calling back and forth between UK and France to ask for rescue; Pregnant refugees not been seen by doctors in the UK; Refugees trapped in a freezing forest without aid between Poland and Belarus; EU proposal could see more border closures in EU; Berlin to accept 500 Afghan refugees in 5 years; Report calls for protection of orphans from human trafficking.