News Highlights: Humanitarian crisis in Tigray, 110 deaths due to shipwrecks off Libyan coast, 15-year-old refugee killed in Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Statement on the Ethiopian conflict by Interreligious Council of Ethiopia; Conflict in Tigray enhances humanitarian crisis; At least 31,000 refugees from Ethiopia fled to Sudan; AMECEA Bishops call for peaceful talks amid the conflict in Ethiopia; 15-year-old Eritrean refugee killed in refugee shelter in Libya; At least 110 deaths in 4 shipwrecks off Libyan coasts; Spanish government concerned about high number of landings in Canary Islands; Locations of 32,000 asylum seekers in Greece unknown; Asylum seekers arrested for driving boats across the English Channel; Father charged after the death of his son in crossing; Irregular migrant camp dismantled by french police; Refugees raise alarm for violation of human rights in British camp; and Record law in refugee resettlement to be reached in 2020.
For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.

News Highlights: Eritrean embassy office reprimanded by Netherlands, Deportation of Sudanese man ruled unlawful, Frontex implicated in pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Dutch Minister takes action against Eritrean embassy amid coerced fund collection; Frontex implicated in illegal “push-backs”; Four asylum seekers, including two children, die trying to cross the English Channel; OXFAM Italia reports on increased human rights violations due to migration deals; Italian ex-minister to go to trial for alleged kidnapping in rescue boat case; Home Office reduces minimum required salary for migrants to settle; Blog posts to be written by experts on new migration pact; Forced repatriation of a Sudanese refugee from Belgium has been considered unlawful by ECHR; Updated list of missing Eritrean political prisoners published by Eritrea Hub; German government provides funding to Ethiopia for border and migration management; Eritrean asylum seekers face increased difficulty in Ethiopia amidst COVID-19 and reception restrictions; Hunger strike by two Eritrean refugees in Egypt jail; ILO and IOM sign agreement to improve collaboration on migration; and India ships food aid to countries in the Horn of Africa.

News Highlights: EU’s ‘no more roads’ approach in Eritrea, Amnesty publishes report on cycle of abuse in Libya, New European migration pact introduced

In this week’s news highlights: Human rights organization revokes lawsuit against EU for road-building in Eritrea, after EU announces ‘no more roads’ approach; 5 Sudanese artists convicted; Missing prisoners in Eritrea memorialized digitally; Review of book series on mobility and human trafficking by Dan Connell; EU imposes sanctions for human rights violations in Libya; Amnesty calls for the EU to reconsider collaboration with Libya; Rescue ship rescues 133 migrants and refugees, 128 others returned to Libya; New EU migration pact introduced; Italian authorities restrains Sea-Watch 4 ship; Italy makes deal with Tunisia to return 500-600 people monthly; UK Home Office lifts ban on evicting asylum seekers that have been denied status; Protests in Germany to receive more migrants; Intolerance of migrants increases.