News Highlights: new EU resettlement plan, torture in Libya, Sudan travel ban dropped

In this week’s news highlights: European Commission presented a migration plan which includes resettlement for at least 50,000 refugees from North Africa and the Horn of Africa; focus on reducing migration could destabilise countries and endanger human rights, says Saferworld; Eritrea refers to border situation in statement at UN General Assembly; Ethiopian ethnic clashes between Oromo and Somali investigated; UN refugee agency published a video on extortion and torture in Libya; German-based migrants charity states that it was fired at by Libyan coast guard.

News Highlights: Study 2% Eritrean diaspora tax, clashes in Ethiopia, remembering crackdown Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: new study published on 2% diaspora tax for Eritreans in Europe confirming reports of coercion and threat; German charity denies Italian allegations that its rescue ship has had contact with Libyan smugglers; European Parliament delegation visits Tunisia to discuss about current situation of migrants and refugees; BCC launches websites for Eritrean and Ethiopian audiences; Ethiopian ethnic crisis may escalate as officials point fingers at each other; Eritrean people remember the day in which the government crackdown of 2001.

News Highlights: mini-summit on migration in Paris, Day of Disappearance, Sudan activist freed

In this week’s news highlights, the policy direction of the European Union becomes increasingly clear as several EU countries promise to held Chad, Niger and Libya increase their border protection; processes to return asylum seekers to Greece have started despite doubts over conditions of reception; the International Organization on Migration and Reporters Without Borders remind us of the damage of disappearances; and a prominent human rights activist is pardoned and freed in Sudan, but others are still being held.