News highlights: police clash with refugees in Rome, boats blocked in Libya, floods in Sudan

In this week’s news highlights, the police in Rome use a water cannon to disperse protesting refugees; two opinion articles state that the EU’s migration policy may cause dehumanising conditions in Greek camps and more deaths in the Sahara desert; an armed group is stopping boats from leaving in Libya; Eritrea gets a new EU head of delegation; Eritrea’s biggest mine sees its production life cut in half; and flash floods cause damage in Sudan.

News highlights: Europe’s wall, Fr. Mussie Zerai under investigation, drought consequences

EEPA’s news highlights are back after the summer break. In the past weeks’ news highlights, Eritrean priest living in Italy is under investigation by the Italian prosecutor because he helps refugees and migrants; European Union member states increasingly call for military solutions to migration; in Eritrea, Patriarch Abune Antonios is still held under guard; drought is threatening – among others – people of Ethiopia and Eritrea; and 1 million South Sudanese refugees are now in Uganda, as the peace process is still ineffective.

News Highlights: resolution Eritrea passed, lifting sanctions Sudan delayed, Eritrean festival tensions

In this week’s news highlights, the European Parliament has passed a strong resolution on Eritrea; EU development aid for strengthening the military in countries like Somalia stirs criticism and fear of increasing militarisation of aid; tensions in the Netherlands and Italy over Eritrean festivals; Eritrean capital named World Heritage; U.S. decision on lifting of sanctions for Sudan delayed, Sudan freezes negotiations; and Libya coast guard involved in criminal activity, but still receiving EU support.