Dutch Parliament united for strong action against Eritrean regime

posted in: Eritrea, Netherlands | 0

Parliamentarians_petitionOn Thursday 30 June, the Dutch Parliament debated on the influence of Eritrea in the Netherlands. In addition, the human rights situation in Eritrea in relation to European Union development aid and crimes against humanity were discussed. At the start of the debate, Eritreans refugees and members of the diaspora offered a petition to Dutch politicians which has currently been signed over 15.000 times. Three Ministers present in the debate made strong commitments on behalf of the Dutch government.

A large number of Eritrean diaspora actors and supporters had gathered to witness the debate. They also stood in support as an Eritrean refugee presented the petition to stop crimes against humanity in Eritrea, which had at that time been signed over 10.000 times, to four Dutch parliamentarians. The petition will remain online and has since been signed over 15.000 times.

The Dutch parliamentarians raised critical questions about the €200 million in development aid from the EU going to Eritrea. The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated that the Netherlands was an opponent of this plan. He agreed to ensure that the money does not go to the government, but instead to NGOs and organisations such as UNHCR. The parliamentarians also called upon the Foreign Affairs Minister to support the referral of issues of crimes against humanity in Eritrea to the Security Council.

The influence of the supporters of the Eritrean regime was seen as a big problem by parliamentarians, but the State Secretary of Justice states that without police reports, it is hard for the government to conduct a thorough research. However, the Minister of Social Affairs indicated that he is willing to investigate the organisations that support the Eritrean regime in the Netherlands. The parliamentarians also called upon the Ministers to critically investigate the role of the Eritrean embassy.

Screening should be in place for volunteers working with refugees, say the Dutch parliamentarians. Supporters of the regime should be rooted out. In addition, the parliamentarians feel that people expressing support for the regime should have their refugee status revoked.

The resolutions submitted by the Dutch parliamentarians will be voted on Tuesday 5 July.