This page contains articles by EEPA and its employees in mainstream media, as well as mentioning of EEPA’s work and statements from EEPA in the media.
- Ethio Forum ኢትዮ ፎረም. (2024). “ከንቲባው ቢሊዮኖችን ዘርፏል” ጄኔራሉ፣ የፋኖ ምላሽ ለዐቢይ ንግግር፣ ስለአሰብ በመቀለና አስመራ ድርደር፣ “እርቅ የለም” ህወሓት“፣ “ዘመቱብን” አዛዡ| EF [Video]. YouTube. 3 November 2024.
- Heisterkamp, L., & Hildebrandt, P. J. (2024). Der Folterknecht. DER SPIEGEL. 4 November 2024.
- InDepthNews. (2024). Tigray war 2020-2022 documented. IDN-InDepthNews. 2 November 2024.
- Plaut, M. (2024). New three volume study of Tigray war reveals Israeli mediation in events leading to the conflict. Martin Plaut. 1 November 2024.
- Tghat. (2024). Three volumes of books on Tigray war published in advance of commemoration. Tghat. 2 November 2024.
- Tilburg University. (2024). Three Volumes on Tigray War (2020-2022) published in Advance of Commemoration. 1 November 2024.
- Claes, Tom. (2023). Oromo’s in Ethiopië: gekoloniseerd in eigen land. Mondiaal Nieuws. 15 June 2023.
- AfricaExpress. (2023). Libia-Somalia-Eritrea-Etiopia: traffico di esseri umani, tra il 2017 e 2021 verso l’Europa oltre 200mila migranti. 2 February 2023
- Agro, F. (2023). Schiavi in Libia. Quando la morte in mare è il minore dei mali. Eco Internationale, 12 April 2023.
- Alwafd. (2023).قرر الأمم المتحدة بحقوق الإنسان في إريتريا: جرائم خطف وتجنيد الأطفال واعتقالات لمواطني .أسمرة
- van Amerongen, J. (2023). Marteling, afpersing en verkrachting: beruchte mensensmokkelaar in Nederland voor de rechter. RTL Nieuws, 6 April 2023.
- Avvenire. (2023). Dal Corno d’Africa 200 mila schiavi in Libia in 4 anni: la rotta della tratta. 7 February 2023.
- Baneke, I. (2023). OM: Tientallen tot honderden Eritreeërs in Nederland zijn afgeperst en mishandeld door smokkelbendes. Trouw. 25 February 2023.
- Brot fur die Welt (2021). Informiert und uberwacht: Mit dem Smartphone auf der Flucht. June 2023.
- Indepthnews. (2023). UN Rapporteur Bashes Eritrean Defence Forces for Atrocities in Tigray. 27 October 2023
- Jacobsen, R. (2023). New Study Reveals Awful Human Trafficking Trails to Libya. IDN InDepthNews, 5 February 2023
- Laumans, W. & Vugts, P. (2023). Eritreeers in Nederland: Trauma’s en uitzichtloosheid zijn een gevaarlijke mix. “Ze zijn totaal losgeslagen.”. Het Parool. 28 January 2023. [print version: copy available]. [Online version: available here]
- Mesfin, D. (2023). Prof. Mirjam van Reisen: a Tulip in a field of weeds. Asmarino Independent. 11 April 2023.
- Monitor. (2023). Više od 200.000 robova: Bez pravnog i ekonomskog izlaza Eritrejci su zarobljeni u krugu trgovine ljudima. 11 February 2023.
- Nieuwsuur. (2023). Vanavond op tv: Slachtoffers van wreed smokkelnetwerk • Protest tegen wapenleveranties Oekraïne. NOS. 25 February 2023.
- Plaut, M. (2023). Statement by Dr Babiker, UN Rapporteur, and contributions to the European Parliament Round Table on Eritrea. Martin Plaut, 25 October 2023.
- Smith, K. (2023). Split in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. InDepthNews, 25 January 2023
- van de Klundert, M. & Schrader, M. (2023). OM: honderden Eritreeërs in Nederland slachtoffer van wreed smokkelnetwerk. NOS. 25 February 2023
- DutchNews. (2023). Hundreds of Eritreans in the Netherlands victims of smuggling network. 25 February 2023.
- GO-FAIR US. (2022). VODAN-Africa Celebrates the GO FAIR Approach Working Across 88 facilities in 8 African Countries to Combat Covid-19 and Future Outbreaks. 8 May 2022.
- Humbel, G. (2022). Wo sammelt die eritreische Diktatur auf diesem Foto Geld ein, in Afrika oder im Wallis? NZZ Magazine. 27 August 2022.
- LeidenASA. (2022). LeidenASA Annual Meeting: Leiden-based Africa research in the spotlight. 12 December 2022.
- LUMC. (2022). An insight into the value of international collaborations in global health(care) challenges, to be further highlighted during Leiden2022. 25 May 2022.
- Tilburg University. (2022). Oorlog in Oekraïne: Tilburgse wetenschappers leggen gevolgen uit. 4 April 2022.
- RTL Nieuws. (2022). Dit zijn de enige landen die Rusland steunen (spoiler: het zijn er vier). RTL Nieuws, 4 March 2022. Available at:
- Ruetir. (2022). These are the only countries that support Russia (spoiler: there are four). Ruetir, translated from RTL Nieuws, 4 March 2022. Available at:
- Siebers, P. (2022). Marga Klompé was charming, decisive and founder of the welfare state. Univers. 14 October 2022.
- Tacken, T. (2022). Eritrese christenen niet langer welkom in Tilburgse kerk: ‘Etensresten in de doopvont’. BD, 9 March 2022. Available at:
- Van der Ven, C. (2022). Alleen op de wereld. De Nederlandse bijdrage aan coronabestrijding. De Groene Amsterdammer, 23 February 2022. Available at:
- Vries, E. de. (2022). Eritrea mobiliseert troepen, ‘kan genadeklap zijn voor mensen Tigray’. NOS Nieuws. 24 September 2022.
- Agenzia Fides. (2021). AFRICA/ETHIOPIA – Stop violence against women in Tigray: an immediate solution is urgently needed. 1 June 2023.
- Ateba, S. (2021). “I’m proudly a Tigrayan woman born and raised in the United States” and I want the world to know that “a state-led and state-sponsored genocide is being committed against the people of Tigray”. Today News Africa, 18 June 2021
- Chimtom, M. K. (2021). International community urged to stop rape as a weapon of war in Tigray. Crux, 21 June 2021.
- Floris, F. (2021). Tigray, la guerra continua anche con nuove testimonianze di violenze e massacri. Il Manifesto, 15 January 2021.
- Gnisci, J. (2021). Tigray’s people and their heritage urgently need protecting. Apollo Magazine, 3 February 2021
- InDepthNews. (2021). Unease as UN Peace Mission in Sudan Ends and Ethiopian Soldiers Return Home. 3 January 2021.
- International Christian Concern (2021). 750 Christians Reported Dead Defending Supposed Ark of the Covenant. 21 January 2021.
- Jacobsen, R. (2021). UN Acclaims VODAN’s Contribution to Fight COVID-19 in Africa. IDN-InDepthNews, 12 March 2021. Available at:
- Jacobsen, R. (2021). Ethiopia-Tigray: Call for Referring Conflict-Related Sexual Violence To ICC – OpEd. Eurasia Review, 29 May 2021
- Kumar, A. (2021). 750 killed at Ethiopian Orthodox church said to contain Ark of the Covenant: report. Christian Post, 18 January 2021
- Lannoo, B. (2021). Religie en cultuur onder vuur in Tigray. Kerknet, 7 June 2021.
- Leiden University Medical Center. (2021). VODAN-Africa researchers design a FAIR digital data health infrastructure that is helping in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. LUMC Press Release, 23 August 2021. Available at:
- Leiden University Medical Center. (2021). New professor wants to improve international access to medical data for research. LUMC Press Release, 10 June 2021. Available at:
- Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. (2021). Nieuwe hoogleraar wil medische data internationaal toegankelijker maken voor onderzoek. LUMC Persbericht, 10 June 2021. Available at:
- Loveniers, M. (2021). Oorlog in Tigray vernietigt mensenlevens én belangrijk werelderfgoed. Mondiaal Nieuws, 21 January 2021
- Paveley, R. (2021). Massacre ‘of 750’ reported in Aksum church complex, Tigray, Ethiopia. Church Times, 15 January 2023.
- Plaut, M. (2021). Innovative tool to fight Covid in Africa receives UNESCO recognition. MartinPlaut, 6 March 2021. Available at:
- Plaut, M. (2021). Ethiopia’s capital under threat as Tigrayan rebels advance. The New Statesman, 9 November 2021. Available at:
- Suna Times (2023). Ethiopia Tigray Situation Report EEPA HORN No. 69. 29 January 2021.
- Tisdall, S. (2021). Ethiopia’s leader must answer for the high cost of hidden war in Tigray. The Guardian, 24 January 2023.
- Uganda Christian News. (2021). 750 Christians killed defending supposed Ark of the Covenant. 3 February 2021
- Varghese, J. (2021). 750 Ethiopians Hiding in Famous Aksum ‘Ark of Covenant’ Church Shot Dead – Report. International Business Times, 20 January 2021.
- Wilschut, J. (2021). Bezoek Eritrees-orthodoxe delegatie ‘enorm zorgelijk’. Nederlands Dagblad, 16 October 2021. Available at:
- AIV Press Release. (2020). Persbericht: Nederlandse inzet voor een wereldwijde aanpak van de coronacrisis. AIV, 11 May 2020. Available at:
- AIV Press Release. (2020). Persbericht: Rol van Nederland bij dichten digitale kloof Afrika. AIV, 19 June 2020. Available at:
- Epker, A. (2020). Turning Tables: Internationale steun tijdens een economische crisis? De Balie, 19 May 2020. Available at:
Reposted at: - Hodson, S. (2020). Special Issue on Emerging FAIR Practices Published in Data Intelligence. CODATA, 7 February 2020. Available at:
- Jacobsen, R. (2020). COVID-19: Artificial Intelligence to Back Up Data-Driven Response in Africa. IDN-InDepthNews, 27 March 2020. Available at:
- Kampala International University. (2020). Africa expertise included in global data network to combat in the Corona pandemic. 20 March 2020. Available at:
Reposted at: Fox 34. (2020. Available at: - Leiden University. (2020). Data science can play a key role in combating coronavirus. Leiden University, 31 March 2020. Available here:
Reposted at: Medical Press. (2020). Available at: - Nauta, H. (2020). Vrees voor digitaal kolonialisme, Afrika moet baas zijn over eigen internet. Trouw, 11 September 2020. Available at:
- Nicolás, E. S. (2020). Coronavirus exposes lack of common data approach. EU Observer, 6 April 2020. Available at:
- Reisen, van, M. (2020). FAIR in Axum: IN-Africa goes back to the roots of civilisation. Go Fair, 27 February 2020. Available at:
- Reisen, van, M. (2020). GO FAIR US Webinar Series: FAIR Data & COVID-19. San Diego Supercomputer Center, 8 April 2020. Available at:
- Smart Data Solution Center. (2020). Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) – Introduction and implementations. 28 April 2020. Availble at:
- SSH-COVID-19. (2020). Gevolgen voor vluchtelingen en asielzoekers: experts. N.D., available at:
- Tilburg University. (2020). ‘Internationale samenwerking meer dan ooit onmisbaar’. 15 May 2020, available at:
- Tilburg University. (2020). Mirjam van Reisen in Nieuwsuur over bloedig conflict in Ethiopië. 20 November 2020. Available at:
- Vermeeren, S. (2020). Tien jaar onderzoek naar Eritrese vluchtelingen: ‘Ons beeld van Afrika is te simpel’. Univers, 4 March 2020. Available at:
May 2020
- ActuDaily. (2020). Erythrée: Une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». ActuDaily, 13 May 2020.
- ActuDaily. (2020). Une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». ActuDaily, 13 May 2020.
- Anderson, S. (2020). EU sued for funding ‘required labour’ Eritrea highway. World Weekly News. 13 May 2020.
- (2020). EU Called to Task for Eritrea Construction., 13 May 2020.
- Avokpo, A. (2020). Erythrée : l’ UE accusé pour complicité de « travail forcé ». L.frii. 14 May 2020.
- Channel Africa. (2020). Eritreans ‘sue EU over forced labour project’. Channel Africa, 14 May 2020.
- Devdiscourse. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Devdiscourse, 13 May 2020.
- Euractive. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Euractive,14 May 2020.
- Ethiopian Monitor. (2020). Eritrean Activists Sue EU over ‘Forced Labor Project’. Ethiopian Monitor, 14 May 2020.
- Flanagan, J. (2020). Activists sue EU for funding Eritrean road built with ‘forced labour’. The Times, 15 May 2020.
- Guilbert, K., Wuilbercq, E. (2020). Eritrean activists sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labour’. Reuters, 14 May 2020.
- Harper. M. (2020). Eritrean activists take EU to court. BBC, 14 May 2020.
- iAfrica. (2020). EU Called to Task for Eritrea Construction. iAfrica. 13 May 2020.
- Louarn, A.D. (2020). Pays-Bas : des militants érythréens attaquent l’UE pour le financement de “travaux forcés”. InfoMigrants, 14 May 2020.
- Nielsen, N. (2020). EU sued for funding ‘forced labour’ Eritrea highway. EUObserver, 13 May 2020.
- Plaut, M. (2020). European aid for Eritrea involving “slave labour” challenged in two courts. Eritrea Hub, 13 May 2020.
- Press Club Brussels Europe. (2020). Eritrean organisation summons the EU for use of forced labour. Press Club Brussels Europe, 13 May 2020.
- Press Reader. (2020). Eritreans sue EU over use of forced labour back home. Press Reader The Morning Call, 14 May 2020.
- Rights Corridor. (2020). Eritrean rights group files lawsuit vs. EU over roads project built with ‘forced labour’. Rights Corridor, 14 May 2020.
- Sharifi, M.M. (2020). Nederlandse stichting klaagt EU aan wegens financieren ‘dwangarbeid in Eritrea’. NRC, 13 May 2020.
- Stevis-Gridneff, M. (2020). Eritreans Sue E.U. Over Use of Forced Labor Back Home. The New York Times, 13 May 2020.
- Thomson Reuters Foundation. (2020). Eritrean rights advocates sue EU for funding roads built with ‘forced labor’. Taipei Times, 15 May 2020.
- Trends Top. (2020). Eu Gedagvaard Voor Rechtbank Amsterdam Voor Steun Aan Dwangarbeid In Eritrea. Trends Top, 14 May 2020.
- Vincent, L. (2020). Érythrée: une plainte contre l’UE, complice de «travail forcé». rfi,13 May 2020.
April 2020
- Lannoo, B. (2020). Ethiopië wil vluchtelingenkamp voor Eritreeërs ontruimen. Tertio, 1 April 2020. Printed version
March 2020
- Nenger, P.A. (2020). KIU Hosts Book Launch on Mobile Africa and Roaming Africa Edited by Prof. Dr. Mirjam Van Reisen Et’al. The KIU Giraffe Times, 3 March 2020.
- Saba, M. (2020). Europe Finances Roads Reconstruction but Eritrea still Uses Forced Labor. Africa ExPress, 5 March 2020.
- Vermeeren, S. (2020). Tien jaar onderzoek naar Eritrese vluchtelingen: ‘Ons beeld van Afrika is te simpel’. Univers, 4 March 2020.
November 2019
- Nenger, P. (2019). Book Launch: Mobile Africa – Roaming Africa Edited By Prof. Dr. Mirjam Van Reisen et’al. KIU News, 14 November 2019.
- Plaut, M. (2019). New peace institute launched in Tigray. EritreaHub, 13 November 2019.
- Vermeulen, M. (2019). Wat je allemaal wel niet kunt lezen en luisteren als je veertien uur vaststaat in het verkeer. De Correspondent, 18 November 2019.
- Lannoo, B. (2019). Vluchtelingen zijn de nieuwe melaatsen. De Standaard, 15 November 2019.
- October 2019
- NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). En de winnaar komt uit…Ethiopië. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 11 October 2019.
June 2019
- Jacobsen, R. (2019). European Union Lambasted for ‘Externalising’ Migration Policy. IDN-InDepthNews, 19 June 2019.
- NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). De EU-migratiepolitiek deugt niet maar werkt ook niet. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 19 June 2019.
- Plaut, M. (2019). Open appeal to the EU’s Donald Tusk over Eritrea and Sudan. Harnnet, 20 June 2019.
- Statewatch. (2019). EU must rethink migration policy that empowers “unaccountable militias and regimes”, say rights groups. Statewatch, Statewatch News, 19 July 2019.
May 2019
- Melicherová, K. (2019). Exodus of Eritreans in Post-Peace Era Continues. IDN-InDepthNews, 9 May 2019.
April 2019
- Adekunle, O. (2019). EU Accused Of Funding Forced Labour Project In Eritrea. TV360Nigeria, 2 April 2019
- AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY. (2019). EU funding Eritrean road project using ‘forced labour’ say activists. Creamer Media’s, Engineering News, 2 April 2019
- Arends, S. (2019). EU financiert dwangarbeid in Eritrea om migratie te stoppen. Apache, 1 April 2019
- BBC. (2019). EU denies claim of funding Eritrea ‘forced labour’ project. BBC, 2 April 2019
- BBC. (2019). EU accused of funding project in Eritrea using ‘forced labour’. The EastAfrican, taken from BBC, 1 April 2019
- BBC Sounds (2019). Human rights activists threaten to take the European Union to court over its funding projects in Eritrea (mins. 42:25 – 46:37). BBC Sounds, Focus on Africa, 2 April 2019
- BBC Tigrinya. (2019). ሕብረት ኣውሮጳ ኣብ ኤርትራ ግዱድ ስራሕ ‘ኣይመወልኩን’ ይብል. BBC Tigrinya, 2 Aprila 2019
- Carvalho, V. (2019). União Europeia acusada de usar trabalho forçado. Jornal de Angola, 3 April 2019Creta, S. (2019). Eritrea, l’UE è accusata di finanziare progetti che utilizzano “lavori forzati”. La, 2 April 2019
- Didden, F. (2019). EU beschuldigd van financiering dwangarbeid in Eritrea. 11.11.11, 2 April 2019
- Early Breakfast with Abongile Nzelenzele (2019). EU criticized for backing Eritrean project that uses forced labour. Early Breakfast with Abongile Nzelenzele, 2 April 2019
- EEPA. (2019). BREAKING NEWS: Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans Summons EU to Stop Supporting Use of Forced Labour in Eritrean Project. EEPA, 1 April 2019
- EUOBSERVER. (2019). EU accused of funding ‘forced labour’ project in Eritrea. EUobserver, 2 Aprila 2019
- Expresso (2019). Eritreia. Fundação de defesa dos direitos humanos acusa UE de financiar esquema de trabalho forçado. Ardina, taken from Expresso source, 2 April 2019
- Gardner, T. (2019). Europe accused of financing Eritrean project based on ‘forced labour’. The Guardian, 2 April 2019
- Gohr, L. (2019). Fördert die EU Zwangsarbeit in Eritrea?. Deutsche Welle, 2 April 2019
- Gohr, L. (2019). Fördert die EU Zwangsarbeit in Eritrea?. Focus Online extracted from Deutsche Welle, 2 April 2019
- Ghana Guardian (2019). EU condemned over Eritrea ‘forced labour’. Ghana Guardian, 2 April 2019
- Gomes, H. (2019). Eritreia. Fundação de defesa dos direitos humanos acusa UE de financiar esquema de trabalho forçado. Expresso, 2 April 2019
- Haukka, I. (2019). EU:n syytetään rahoittavan Eritreassa pakkotyövoimalla tehtävää tienrakennusprojektia. Yle, 1 April 2019
- Kaledzi, I. (2019). EU indicted for funding “forced labour” scheme in Eritrea. Africa Feeds, 1 April 2019
- Long, O. (2019). Is the EU funding forced labour in Eritrea?. Help Refugees, 2 April 2019
- Medvegy, G. (2019). Kényszermunka finanszírozásával vádolják az EU-t., 2 April 2019
- Moses (2019). How the EU is stealing from Eritrea’s youth and turning them to refugees in their own country. Daily Active Kenya, 1 April 2019
- NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2019). Slavenarbeid in Eritrea door EU gefinancierd. NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland, 29 March 2019
- Panico, P. G. (2019). L’Europa e la “sindrome di Stoccolma”: 20 milioni al dittatore eritreo Afewerki. Progetto Melting Pot Europa, 2 April 2019
- Plaut, M. (2019).Eritreans issue legal challenge to EU over forced labour projects. EritreaHub, 1 April 2019
- Press Club Brussels Europe (2019). PRESS RELEASE – Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans Summons EU to Stop Supporting Use of Forced Labour in Eritrean Project. Press Club Brussels Europe, 1 April 2019
- Sesana, I. (2019). Gli attivisti eritrei denunciano la Ue: “Finanzia il lavoro forzato”. Altreconomia, 2 April 2019
- Sharifi, M.N. (2019). Eritrese organisatie: EU-project leidt juist tot meer dwangarbeid. NRC, 2 April 2019
- Sironi, B. (2019). ERITREA, DALL’EUROPA FINANZIAMENTI AL REGIME, Nigrizia, 3 April 2019
- Stratfor, (2019). Eritrea: Human Rights Organization Accuses EU-Funded Project of Using Forced Labor. Stratfor, 2 April 2019
- The Trust Word. (2019). EU accused of funding project in Eritrea using ‘forced labour’. The Trust Word, 2 April 2019
- Tilburg University (2019). Tilburg University Professors support Eritreans summoning EU to stop use of forced labor. Tilburg University, 2 April 2019
- Toelgyes, C. I. (2019). La diaspora eritrea insorge e querela l’UE: “No ai 20 milioni regalati al dittatore”. Africa ExPress, 1 April 2019
- TynPanama (2019). Eritrea, la UE es acusado de financiar proyectos que utilizan los trabajos forzados. TynPanama, 2 April 2019
- Vincent, L. (2019). L’Union européenne accusée de financer le travail forcé en Érythrée. RFI, 1 April 2019
March 2019
- Johnson, R. (2019). EU and International NGOs Exploit Aid to Fortify Forced Labour in Eritrea. IDN-InDepthNews, 30 March 2019
February 2019
- Smits, K. (2019). Europe’s Invisible Wall Whets Human Trafficking. IDN-InDepthNews, 14 February 2019
January 2019
- Lannoo, B. (2019). Priester Mussie Zerai: ‘Er is geen toekomst in Eritrea, alleen repressie’. Katholiek Nieuwsblad, 11 January 2019
- Plaut, M. (2019). Dutch and Italians squabble over survivors of Mediterranean disaster. EritreaHub, 28 January 2019
- VPRO Bureau Buitenland (2019). Ethiopië na de radicale hervormingen. VPRO, 17 January 2019
- December 2018
- Assenna (2018). PRESS RELEASE – Brussels Conference, 12-14 December, 2018. 13 December 2018
- BBC Tigrinya (2018). ሕብረት ኤውሮጳ ደሕንነት ስደተኛታት ኣብ ሊብያ ከውሕስ ኤርትራውያን ሓቲቶም. BBC Tigrinya, 18 December 2019
- Brussels Press Club (2018). Press Release: We the People! Peace in the Horn: the Safety and Future of the Eritrean People.
- Charumbira, F. (2018). EU Should Speak Against the Ill-Treatment of Eritreans. IDN-InDepthNews, 12 December 2018
- EritreaFocus (2018). Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 13 – 14 December. EritreaFocus, 14 December 2018
- Jaura, R. (2018). EU Urged to Evacuate Eritreans from Libyan ‘Death Camps’. IDN-InDepthNews, 13 December 2018
- Plaut, M. (2018). Conference declaration: EU must end support for the Eritrean dictatorship. EritreaHub, 17 December 2018
- TellZim (2018). African Parliament Laments Horn Of Africa Chaos. TellZim, 31 December 2018
- Toelgyes, C. (2018). A Bruxelles una conferenza sul futuro (democratico) dell’Eritrea. Africa Express, 13 December 2018
November 2018
- Van Reisen, M. (2018). From Giga to Terabytes: The Dutch National Data Plan. 23 November 2018, Diggit Blog
- Van Reisen, M. (2018). Open on-line Science: Promoting the FAIR framework for Science. 23 November 2018, Diggit Blog
September 2018
- Arends, Stef (2018). Expert: smartphones afpakken werkt mensensmokkel in de hand. Apache, 1 September 2018
- Fillet, Koen, Speybrouck, Sven and Reisen, Mirjam van (2018). Levenslange legerdienst. Radio 1, Interne Keuken (15 September 2018)
- Gelderlander, De (2018). Bewoner (18) aangehouden voor brandstichtingen bij Eritreeërs Lent. De Gelderlander (4 September 2018)
- NPO Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (2018). Eritrea grijpt kans op vrede aan. Radio 1, Bureau Buitenland (10 September 2018)
- Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrean exodus threatens to overwhelm Ethiopian border areas. Eritreahub (20 September 2018)
- Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrea’s exodus – updated. Eritreahub, (20 September 2018)
- Spillebeen, Elien (2018). Waarom Eritreeërs steeds opduiken in onmenselijke vluchtverhalen. MO Mondiaal Nieuws (11 September 2018)
- VPRO (2018). Eritreërs grijpen kans op vrede aan. VPRO, Bureau Buitenland (10 September 2018)
August 2018
- Smits, K. (2018). Academics and researchers enter Eritrea – “I Set Foot in Eritrea – In the footsteps of the Elders and Leaders of the People of the Mereb”. Eritreahub (27 August 2018)
July 2018
- Lingsma, Tjitske & van de Ven, Coen (2018). De moeizame jacht op de mensensmokkelaars ‘De big guys vinden we niet op zee’. De Groene Amsterdammer (11 July 2018)
June 2018
- Appels, Daan (2018). ‘Lange arm van Eritrea’ houdt asielzoekers Lent in greep. De Gelderlander (28 June 2018)
- GUE/NGL (2018). Impact of EU External Action in the Horn of Africa: Addressing criminalization of refugees. GUE/NGL, 28 June 2018
- Josten, Bart (2018). Waarom Europese Eritreeërs een dictator steunen. Kijk op Kennis (1 June 2018)
- Lepedi, Pierre (2018). TV – « Etats africains, portiers de l’Europe ». Le Monde (12 June 2018.)
- Nastranis, J. (2018). Security Council Backs Dutch Sanctions Against Eritrean and Libyan Traffickers. IDN-InDepthNews (10 June 2018)
- Partos (2018). Stevig debat over de toekomst van het Nederlandse ontwikkelingsbeleid. Partos (4 June 2018)
- Plaut, Martin (2018). Eritrea’s pro-government trolls strike again. Martin Plaut WordPress (19 June 2018)
- Roache, Madeline (2018). How one journalist is a life-line for Eritreans. Global Comment (5 June 2018)
- Schäfer, J. M. (2018). Türsteher Europas: Wie Afrika Flüchtlinge stoppen soll. ARTE 12 June 2018)
- Schäfer, J. M. (2018). États africains, portiers de l’Europe. ARTE (12 June 2018)
- Smits, K. (2018). Press Release: Addressing criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking. EEPA (28 June 2018)
- Smits, K (2018). EU must address criminalisation of refugees and impunity of human trafficking. Eritrea Hub (29 June 2018)
May 2018
- Balie, de (2018). Het Nieuwe Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsbeleid: Tussen eigenbelang en altruïsme. De Balie (29 May 2018)
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April 2018
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March 2018
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February 2018
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January 2018
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December 2017
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September 2017
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March 2017
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February 2017
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January 2017
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December 2016
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November 2016
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October 2016
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September 2016
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August 2016
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July 2016
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June 2016
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May 2016
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April 2016
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March 2016
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February 2016
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January 2016
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