Eritrean refugees refuse to leave boat after interception, prefer starvation over life in Libya

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Having been intercepted in the Mediterranean Sea, a group of 79 Eritrean refugees has pledged not to leave the boat they boarded to reach Europe and are starving now, say refugees in two videos posted on Facebook. The group was brought back to the Libyan coast, presumably by the Libyan coast guard. A young man who says he is 16 years old stated that he had lived in Libya since 2016 and had been sold three times, that he had been punished and that his brother died during his stay. He said that he does not care if he gets killed and that the whole group have decided that they will stay on the boat until they die. “If you saw this condition, I swear to you, even for a microsecond no one can live this life in this country.”

The group say they have not gotten any food for a week and that they use plastic bottles as toilets. The people in the videos speak Tigrinya, Afar, Arabic and English.