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In this week’s Horn Highlights: EEPA has restarted the Situation Reports on the situation in the Horn of Africa following due to increasing famine, drought and tensions with a shut down of the internet in certain places. In the Horn Highlights, we will present an overview of the reports of the previous week, for those who do not want to receive daily updates.
The Situation Reports aim to draw attention to information on the situation on the ground, drawing from sources on the ground. Information may need further verification (see disclaimer).
The Situation Report of today (23 May), No. 209, is already available for you here.
Situation reports 204 t/m 208, 16 – 20 May 2022
Key information of the past week:
Situation Report EEPA Horn No. 204, 16 May 2022
Sources indicate that Eritrean troops are withdrawing from Western Tigray
Eritrean refugees in Amhara refugee camps report being attacked
Hassan S Mohammad is elected in Somalia
Situation Report EEPA Horn No. 205, 17 May 2022
Pictures of troop build-up appear to indicate heightened tensions in the HornRound 34 of the Eritrean National Service recruits leave Sawa to join 24th of May Independence Day festivities
The Economist responds to expulsion of one of its journalists from Ethiopia
Situation Report EEPA Horn No. 206, 18 May 2022
Increased activity in Eritrean military locations, and the Eritrean government states that Tigray forces are advancing, vowing to defend themselves in a 17 May 2022 statement
Pictures of trucks with Ethiopian license plates loaded with military equipment in Djibouti
African civil society organisations warn security council that the situation in Ethiopia must be addressed, to prevent atrocities
Situation Report EEPA Horn No. 207, 19 May 2022
International NGOs estimate that one person dies of hunger in the Horn every 48 seconds
UN states that an estimated 1.39 children in Tigray are missing out on education
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) members who were arrested illegally should be immediately released.
Situation Report EEPA Horn No. 208, 20 May 2022
Draft report of the UN Secretary-General on Protection of civilians in armed conflict, sent to the UNSC, comments on targeting of essential infrastructure and aid in Tigray.
According to sources, the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) is very slowly advancing on Addis Ababa
Ethiopian parliament approved USD 6.3 million military aid from Turkey on 17 May
* If you have any comments, questions, or additions to the next Situation Reports, please let us know.
Disclaimer: All information in these highlights is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. EEPA does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to info@eepa.be any additional information and corrections.