News Highlights Extra No. 5: Conflict in the Horn
EEPA is sending extra news highlights on the conflict in the Horn of Africa: previous highlights extra and EEPA’s situation reports on the Horn crisis. Fighting continues in various location It is reported that fighting in Tigray is ongoing in … Continued
News Highlights: EU adopts global human rights sanctions regime, UN’s new deal on access to Tigray, Agreement return unaccompanied minors to Morocco
In this week’s news highlights: After UN security team was detained and fired at in Tigray, UN reaches new aid deal with Ethiopia; Soldiers in Eritrean uniforms seen in Tigray while Eritrean refugees flee from camps; Protests for peace in Tigray on Human Rights Day; US Army plans to dismantle troops in Somalia, after Ethiopia withdraws 3000 troops; Amnesty appeals for extension of current UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur; NGOs disappointed on human rights after France-Egypt meeting; EU adopts human rights sanctions regime; Agreement signed between France and Morocco on return of unaccompanied minors; 19 suspects detained in Italy in alleged human smuggling ring; Germany delays refugee resettlement until 2021; People in new Greek refugee camp at risk of lead poisoning; NGOs accused of smuggling for providing visas to Turkey; UNHCR data shows 80 million displaced people by mid-2020.
European Parliament’s LIBE Committee calls for new measures for the protection of Asylum Seekers and respect for Human Rights
Since 30 November 2020, several Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in LIBE and FEMM parliamentary committees have been taking stock of dossiers concerning the recent activities of FRONTEX, voluntary returns and detention in first reception centres, asylum seekers’ rights and family reunification, child protection and human trafficking. The purpose of the resolutions is to raise attention of the European Parliament and European Commission on the protection of asylum seekers. MEPs discussions suggested several improvements for the EU legal framework on human rights and new approaches on the application of it at local level.