News Highlights: Eritrea wants to join UN Human Rights Council, Plea to aid Libya refugees, Displacement in Ethiopia

In this week’s news highlights: Opposition to Eritrea’s bid for membership in UN Human Rights Council; ethnic violence in Ethiopia causes internal displacement; South Sudan joins 1951 Refugee Convention; suicide attack in Mogadishu on Italian military vehicle; media freedom threatened in Africa, says article; Hungary opposes UN Migration Compact; Human Rights Organisations want Aquarius to continue rescue mission; Human Rights Organisations urge international community to aid refugees trapped in Libya.

News Highlights: People and goods cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border, Chikungunya outbreak in East Sudan

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In this week’s news highlights: goods and people cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border; thousands arrested in Ethiopia after violence; Saudi influence growing in the Horn of Africa; Chikungunya fever breaks out in East Sudan; Italy to narrow asylum rights; Italian Prime Minister to visit Ethiopia and Eritrea; European leaders seek migration deals with Northern African countries.