With 2020 deadline Approaching, EU Institutions initiate talks for a post-Cotonou Agreement
Since 2000, the relations between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries have been largely governed by the Cotonou Agreement. This agreement aims at reducing and eventually eradicating poverty and, at the same time, contributing to sustainable development and to the gradual integration of ACP countries in the world economy. The Agreement is set to expire in 2020 and the EU institutions have initiated discussions on how to formulate a post-Cotonou Agreement that will address the possible gaps of the already existing document and will renew the relationship between the signatories.
News Highlights:Israeli pilots refuse to deport refugees, Libyan torture videos sent to family, missing migrant children in EU
In this week’s news highlights:Israeli pilots are refusing to deport Sudanese and Eritrea refugees; Eritrean president demands compensation fees, claiming Israel wants to deport Eritreans to Eritrea;; political relations around Eritrea are changing; South Sudan dangerous for aid workers; New … Continued
Videos of torture in Libya sent to refugee family members by human traffickers demanding ransom
Belgian media showed images of Sudanese refugees held captive and tortured in Libya, showing the reality of torture for ransom in the country. These articles explain how migrants and refugees in North Africa are promised safe passage to Europe by smugglers, but often their journey ends in the hands of human traffickers in Libya. Here they are imprisoned and tortured while their families back home receive the images, together with ransom demands. Research has indicated the involvement of the Eritrean and Sudanese regime in human trafficking.