UN Launches the second report on Global Compact for Migration, but what has been achieved?

Adopted in 2018, the Global Compact for Migration is regarded as a milestone in the history of the global dialogue and international cooperation on migration. It is rooted in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and informed by the Declaration of the High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development adopted in October 2013. The United Nations Global Compact for Migration expresses the collective commitment to improving cooperation on international migration. Throughout history, migration has been part of human experience and it is recognized as a source of prosperity, innovation, and sustainable development in our globalized world, these positive impacts can be optimized by improving migration governance, according to the Compact. Now that several years have passed, the UN has launched its second report on the Compact, pointing to achievements, but also ongoing challenges.

Horn Highlights: Armed men attack a refugee camp killing five, GERD dam starts producing electricity, AU-EU call for a joint 2030 vision

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Joint AU-EU statement emerges from Summit; Eritrean refugees killed in Afar, says UN; Investigation shows Facebook continues to fail to take action on posts inciting ethnic violence in Ethiopia; GERD starts to produce electricity; Last UN staff freed in Ethiopia; CPJ says journalist about to be charged despite lifting of emergency state; New 243-page report about Ethiopia conflict; Ethiopian government will not delist TPLF as terror organisation, states spokesperson; Health in Tigray critical, hospital warns; National dialogue commissioners appointed; Eritrean opposition indicates Eritrean troops being moved; Hospital patient killed in Sudan by stray bullet.

News Highlights: AU-EU Summit reveals critical issues, WHO cannot distribute medicines in Tigray, Refugees protest in Tunisia

In this week news highlights: AU-EU Summit draws leaders to Brussels; Side event discusses Critical Issues For AU-EU Collaboration On Health And Science; Tigray demonstration at the sidelines of the AU-EU Summit; Hospitals in Tigray in trouble amidst severe shortages, WHO aid stuck; Amnesty report states Tigrayan forces committed atrocities in Amhara, Tigray government’s response; Response to the US “Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace and Democracy Act”; Early lifting of state emergency in Ethiopia; Possible removal of the TPLF from the Ethiopian list of terrorist groups, says EU Envoy; A dialogue between Sudanese and Ethiopian ambassadors; Sudan’s Sovereignty Council Chairman speaks to AU Chairman; 4.1 million Somalians need urgent food, warns UN; Refugees in Tunisia protest; Organisations urge the German government to help Afghan refugees; Hypothermia or injuries prevalent during UK crossing; Refugees fear becoming trapped in another conflict in Ukraine; East Europe prepares for refugees