News highlights: Eritrean organisations urge an end to roundups in Sudan, First Global Refugee Forum launched, More countries get involved in Libya conflict

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrean organisations urge UNHCR and authorities to address roundups in Sudan; US sanctions South Sudan officials; PM Abiy Ahmed wants to work on peace with Eritrean President; Protection for human rights defenders in Ethiopia; Missing ministers in Eritrea; First Global Refugee Forum launced to improve conditions for refugees; Greece urges EU to “share the burden”; Children suicidal in Moria refugee camp, Greece; Teenagers accused of terrorism after interception at sea; Red cross argues EU should adress needs refugees and host communities instead of keeping them out; Turkey to support UN-backed government in Libya; Libyan coast guard and Europe critized by Ocean Viking coordinator; Personal experiences of conditions in Libya; And World Bank recalculates refugee data is needed.

Ethiopia ‘fully accepts peace deal’ to end Eritrea border war

Ethiopia’s governing coalition announced on Tuesday that it will accept and implement the peace deal with Eritrea from 2000 that stopped the 1998-2000 border war. It is still unclear how Eritrea is going to respond. Petros Tesfagiorgis, prominent Eritrean writer, stated that we should use this window of opportunity to create a powerful peace movement.

News Highlights: Israel cancels refugee plan with UN, Dutch Minister calls for closing of Libya detention centres, Ethiopian President speaks of peace with Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: Netanyahu cancels plan with UNHCR for refugee resettlement; new Ethiopian President expresses efforts for peace towards Eritrea;Al-Shabab attacks AU troops in Somalia; Four African countries set to cooperate to fight crime;The story of an Eritrean refugee from Africa Monitors; Dutch Minister urges for closure of “inhumane” Libyan detention centers; European Commission announces new emergency aid to Greece; Frontex says smuggling activity is more organized now;; and UN chief economist worried about food security.