News Highlights: UNSC pressured to take action on sexual violence, Refugees expelled from Algeria, Greece plans far-reaching security measures

News Highlights: UNSC pressured to take action on sexual violence in Tigray, refugees expelled from Algeria, Greece plans far-reaching security measures

In this week’s news highlights: Former Liberian minister and MEP call for international pressure and sanctions in EEPA webinar: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Tigray; UK government asked to table a UNSC resolution over Tigray sexual violence; Sir Lowcock reports to UNSC that humanitarian aid is prevented from reaching people in Tigray; Alex de Waal discusses sexual violence as war weapon in Tigray conflict; IDPs displaced in overcrowded areas in Tigray, IOM reports; Migrants face additional hardships due to COVID-19 restrictions in the Horn of Africa; Africa ExPress: Algerian Government expels migrants and refugees and leaves them in the desert; Photos of drowned children on Zuwara beach from unknown shipwreck; EU FRA agency report shows discrimination among public authorities towards migrants; Refugees subjected to extreme security measures in Greek camps; Hundreds of Moroccan children live in squalid conditions in Ceuta; IOM hosts international dialogue discussing the impact of environmental disasters on migration.

For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.

News Highlights: 130 people drown as rescues off Libya fail, long-term starvation feared in Tigray, EU cuts aid to Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: The Tigray region faces famine in next years, states interim administration official; UNSC press statement expresses concern over human rights conditions in Tigray; AP report – Tigrayan non-combatants detained; IOM states at least 1 million IDPs in Tigray; MSF raises alarm over humanitarian needs of refugees in Sudan; UN expert report warns peace in South Sudan at risk amidst rising tensions; 130 people dead – EU authorities accused of non-intervention off Libyan coasts; EU to “de-commit” funds to Eritrea due to violation of human rights; EU reveals return strategy as part of migration reform; Greece taken to ECHR over illegal pushbacks accusation; 17 migrants and refugees died on route to Spanish Canary Islands; Family reunification grinds to a halt in UK amidst Brexit; IOM and Galway University start a course on migration disinformation.

News Highlights: Starvation crimes reported in Tigray, EU leaders support Libya’s ‘migration management’, Protests in Greece

In this week’s news highlights: World Peace Foundation reports intentional starvation in Tigray; 35 christians arrested in Eritrea; Women and girls released after being abducted in South Sudan, more remain missing; Refugees face insecurity amid Kenya’s decision to shut down refugee camps; Somalia publishes plans for a durable social development strategy for IDPs;  EU and US possibly “working closely” on Tigray conflict; EU applauds Libyan interim government for “migration management”; EU is concerned about Turkish human rights violations but renews migrant deal; Tensions between Greece and Turkey over migration; Spanish riot police fire rubber bullets at migrants and refugees clashing over food; Lesbos refugees denounce dire conditions as EU promises to build new migrant facilities; 37 NGOs call for transparency as Maltese Armed Forces are accused of halting rescue operation; and UNHCR sheds light on lack of vaccines for refugees.