News Highlights: UN Libya fact-finding mission urges action, Regional summit in Somalia, Italy accused of complicity in abuses
posted in: Abiy Ahmed, Al-Shahaab, Eritrea, European Commission, European Parliament, Italy, Libya, Oromia, Weekly news highlights |
In this week’s News Highlights: Regional summit in Somalia discusses fight against al-Shabaab; Orthodox church in Ethiopia accuses Abiy of ‘meddling’; 3,000 Somali soldiers sent to Eritrea for training; ICRC shows widespread destruction of health facilities in Tigray; Oromia region ‘now the most unstable’; Eritrean troops reportedly block UN in Tigray; Over 400 Christians now imprisoned in Eritrea; Libya fact-finding mission urges Libya to cooperate; Italy accused of complicity in abuses in Libya; CoE criticises Italian decree on rescues; Arrests in Italy on charges of torture in Libya; Critics warn EU not to rush normalising relations with Ethiopia; and EU Commission presents four-step plan on stopping irregular migration.