News Highlights: UN official: no improvement in South Sudan; Amnesty International condemns EU; Eritrea accuses Sudan, Ethiopia, Qatar

In this week’s news highlights: New data protection regulation; UN official says things in South Sudan are getting worse; Eritrea accuses 3 countries of supporting opposition Jihadist groups; UN and human rights groups support Noura Hussein; EC calls for further work on immigration; Amnesty International criticize the EU’s support to Libya; Report describes IDPs in Africa; New Greek Bill for Asylum seekers; Eritreans plan rally in Switzerland for asylum rights; Eritreans’ demonstration in Egypt.

News Highlights: Israel re-examines asylum cases, new ruling Chairman in Ethiopia, rescue NGO accused of human trafficking

In this week’s news highlights: Israel re-examines Eritrean cases for asylum; Amnesty International condemns Israeli refugee policy; Abiy Ahmed elected head of EPRDF ruling coalition in Ethiopia;10.000 displaced Ethiopians in Kenya; South Sudan claims Sudan threatens their sovereignty; Number of incidents with car bombs in Somalia; Many Somali refugees return home to help rebuild it; Spanish NGO accused of trafficking after refusing to send rescued people to Libya; and the EU prioritizes migration in new partnership with Africa.

News Highlights: urgency resolution Eritrea, EU ‘reducing migration’, violence in South Sudan

In this week’s news highlights, the European Parliament is about to vote on an urgency resolution about Eritrea, mainly the cases of Patriarch Abune Antonios and journalist Dawit Isaak; the European Commission released new proposals for ‘reducing migration pressures’ in the Central Mediterranean Route; U.S. carried out a drone strike in Somalia aimed at Al-Shabaab; the African Union will send a delegation to Eritrea to discuss the dispute with Djibouti; Amnesty International warns of brutal atrocities in South Sudan; and UNHCR released a new report on mixed migration in Libya.