News Highlights: EP Resolution demands immediate release of Dawit Isaak, 15-year old boy dies on Italian ship, UNSC extends resolution for checking and seizing Libya boats

In this week’s news highlights: European Parliament demands the release of Eritrean-Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak and condemns ongoing human rights abuses; Migrants drown and go missing off the coast of Djibouti; Detention centres for Ethiopian migrants in Saudi Arabia remain “hellish”; 5 migrants jailed after riot in detention centre in Morocco; Security Council grants extension of resolution on inspection and seizure of migrant boats from Libya; Teenage boy who shows signs of torture dies on Italian quarantine ship; British Home Secretary introduces new laws on asylum that differentiate people using traffickers; Italy alleviates migration rules and Salvini goes on trial; Immigrant groups in Norway unprotected from pressure and control of governments from which they fled; Refugees on Lesbos in Greece continue to live in appalling sanitary conditions; and the DRC Report highlights the consequences of Covid-19 on the Global Compact of Refugees.

The EU and the Horn of Africa: Migration in the middle

“[I]t is a partnership of equals, where both sides share opportunities and responsibilities. Africa will be a key partner in building the world we want to live in – whether on climate, digital or trade,” stated President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, during her speech at the State of The Union conference on Monday 16 September in front of the European Parliament. This is the guideline that the Commission means to take forward this year with regard to relations between the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU).

News Highlights Extra: Radio play based on true story highlights desperate situation of refugees in Libya

Polish composer Kasia Glowicka has written and produced a radio play based on a true story of a refugee trapped in the Zintan detention centre in Libya. In the play, titled “Lilian”, the refugee Tesfay contacts a professor in Europe, linking them via WhatsApp across geography and culture. The radio play premiered on 24 September on two Polish radio stations, but is also available online.