News Highlights: Ride for Justice to support refugees in Libya, Sudan tensions grow, Fighting stops activity of Libyan Coast Guard

In this week’s news highlights: Border between Eritrea and Ethiopia is closed, but refugees continue to escape; Eritrea summons UNHCR over return conditions for refugees as fears over ‘voluntary’ return of Eritreans remains; Sudan protests continue, as AU extends – again – the deadline for transfer of power; EU delegation visits Khartoum; US lobbyists helped South Sudan to battle sanctions; Meeting in Ethiopia to revitalise peace agreement South Sudan; More details on militia group attack of detention center in Libya; Libyan Coast guard stops safe and rescue operations amid fighting, says NGO; Ride4Justice demands safety for refugees in Libya; Migrants in the suburbs of Dunkirk kept away from emergency accommodation; Italy takes 146 evacuees from fighting in Libya; and Germany postpones decisions on asylum for some Syrians.

News Highlights: People and goods cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border, Chikungunya outbreak in East Sudan

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In this week’s news highlights: goods and people cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border; thousands arrested in Ethiopia after violence; Saudi influence growing in the Horn of Africa; Chikungunya fever breaks out in East Sudan; Italy to narrow asylum rights; Italian Prime Minister to visit Ethiopia and Eritrea; European leaders seek migration deals with Northern African countries.

News Highlights: Open borders between Eritrea and Ethiopia, Europe proposes large border force, new government in Sudan

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrean-Ethiopian border reopens at two points; former Eritrean minister publishes accusatory book; campaign to protest large-scale disappearances in Eritrea; dozens of migrant child slaves freed in Sudan; South Sudan goverment and rebels sign “final” peace agreement; Sudanese president to form new leaner government; hostilities continue in Libya; Juncker proposes to upgrade Frontex, tighten asylum rules; more migrants die on sea after crackdown on NGO rescue missions; UN to investigate attacks on migrants in Italy and Austria