News Highlights: Italian MP visits Ethiopia and Eritrea, Amnesty to challenge Hungarian law in court; UNHCR evacuates refugees from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Italian PM visits Ethiopia and Eritrea; nearly 10,000 newly registered refugees in Ethiopia last month; Eritrea elected to the UN Human Rights Council; IOM report on reducing vulnerabilities of migrants; new “peace ministry” in Ethiopia; almost half of South Sudanese face starvation says Save the Children; Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali politicians meet; migrants in Italian model town to be transferred away; Amnesty International challenges new Hungarian law in court; EU leaders want to cooperate with Egypt on migration; aid organisations warn against scapegoating migrants and not saving lives; UN human rights expert criticizes Algeria and Niger for alleged migrants’ rights abuses; and the UNHCR evacuates refugees from Libya.

News Highlights: People and goods cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border, Chikungunya outbreak in East Sudan

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In this week’s news highlights: goods and people cross the Ethiopian-Eritrean border; thousands arrested in Ethiopia after violence; Saudi influence growing in the Horn of Africa; Chikungunya fever breaks out in East Sudan; Italy to narrow asylum rights; Italian Prime Minister to visit Ethiopia and Eritrea; European leaders seek migration deals with Northern African countries.