News Highlights: 100 days of war in Tigray, missing boat found after 5 days, EP debates humanitarian situation in Ethiopia

In this week’s news highlights: 100 days of war in Tigray, Ethiopia, leaves millions of people in urgent need of assistance; Refugee camps have been systematically targeted and destroyed in Tigray; 3.8 million people in Tigray face starvation and malnutrition diseases; EU envoy visits Ethiopia and Sudan; Undeclared famine in South Sudan regions; UN Security Council national reconciliation in Libya; 20 Algerians safely disembark in Italy after going missing in the Mediterranean for 5 days; EP debate: MEPs express concern on the humanitarian crises and urge access and investigation; EU Commission voices deep concern on the humanitarian and political crisis in Tigray, calls for withdrawal of Eritrean soldiers; IOM calls on the EU to stop pushbacks at its external borders; 422 migrants and refugees disembark in Sicily; Delays in application and prison conditions for asylum seekers in Cyprus; UNHCR and IOM urge states to improve protection of climate refugees.

News Highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons EU over forced labour, Fighting around Tripoli, Roundtable discusses Libya

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea Foundation summons the EU to stop supporting use of forced labour in Eritrea Project; Roundtable at the EU parliament hosted by MEPs and EEPA; EU increases on FRONTEX capacity and reach; UNHCR Senior Official raised concerns on the situation of 35 children in Calais; 250 NGOs ask Angela Merkel for a Mediterranean solidarity plan; Dutch government blocks Sea Watch 3 and other NGOs; The UN Human Rights Committee expresses grave concern on the human rights situation in Eritrea; Fighting in south Tripoli, UN expresses concern; report describes the shift from smuggling to trafficking in Libya; and UNHCR calls for more funding for refugees in Libya.