News Highlights: Sudan’s civilians and military reach agreement, airstrike kills 44 migrants and refugees in Libya, Captain Sea-Watch freed

In this week’s news highlights: Sudan’s military and civilian groups reach agreement, Snipers opened fire during a civilian protest march; Ethiopia and Eritrea to connect naval infrastructure; Eritrea is chairing the UNHRC despite human rights abuses; Eritrean protest symbols features by Italian draughtsman; Migrants detained in a Libyan hangar died of hunger, thirst and diseases; Libyan military strikes killed and injured hundreds of migrants; Canadian firm’s contract with Sudan denounced by Amnesty International; Arrested German captain of the rescue ship finally freed by Italian court; The court rules out the transfer under the Dublin regulation; the US and China are in feud over influence in Africa.

News Highlights: Arrests after Ethiopia coup attempt, UN Special Rapporteur says Eritrea abuses continue, EU proposes voluntary disembarkation guidelines amid standoff

In this week’s news highlights: Deaths of Ethiopian officials in apparent coup attempt, 250 people reported arrested; UN urge Eritrea to respect the right of freedom of religion; UN Special Rapporteur Eritrea releases report; Young Eritreans continue to flee to Ethiopia; Libyan Coast Guard leader pictured looting migrant boat; Activists condemn EU “criminalisation of solidarity”; Sea Watch 3 states migrants are in danger, as docking is refused; European Union proposal on voluntary relocation after disembarkation; and German Church meeting discusses EU migration policy and far-right extremism.

News Highlights: Letter criticises EU migration policy ahead of EU Summit, Italy’s anti-rescue decree adopted, Eritrea targets Catholic health facilities

In this week’s news highlights: Letter – EU migration policy contributes to human rights abuses; Italy adopts anti-rescue decree; Refugee accused of being trafficker faces 14 years in jail; Eritrean refugees from Switzerland on streets of Belgium; Sudan’s TMC seen as responsible for abuses – protests continue; Eritrea and Sudan agreement to reopen shared border; Eritrean Catholic health facilities shut down; Eritrean campaign urges transition; EU accused of fostering slave-like conditions through its project in Eritrea; UN Secretary-General calls enforcement of Libyan arms embargo; and Libyan Government of National Accord proposes steps towards peace.