News Highlights: Ethiopia makes first step towards peace with Eritrea, Algeria as a new gateway of migrants, Suggestions for a new EU-Africa relation

In this week’s news highlights: How will Eritrea respond in Ethiopia’s call for peace?; Estefanos urges EU for sanctions to Eritrea; On their way to Yemen, Ethiopians drown or go missing; The South Sudanese prolonged hunger; Freed victims of human trafficking in Libya; Algeria becomes the alternative route to Europe for refugees and migrants; How the EU-Africa relationship should be renewed; After allegations, Head of EASO resigns; Documentary investigates EU migration policy and its effects.

Ethiopia ‘fully accepts peace deal’ to end Eritrea border war

Ethiopia’s governing coalition announced on Tuesday that it will accept and implement the peace deal with Eritrea from 2000 that stopped the 1998-2000 border war. It is still unclear how Eritrea is going to respond. Petros Tesfagiorgis, prominent Eritrean writer, stated that we should use this window of opportunity to create a powerful peace movement.

New report: ‘Trust and the Triggers of Trauma. Exploring experiences of the trust between Eritrean unaccompanied minors and their caregivers in The Netherlands’

Recently, Tilburg University and EEPA published their latest report for the Dutch unaccompanied refugee minor organization Nidos Foundation investigating the situation of unaccompanied Eritrean minors in The Netherlands. The research focuses on the high incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress in relation to the lack of trust between Unaccompanied Minors of Eritrea and their caregivers. The purpose of this report has been to present findings and conclusions as well as to give a set of practical recommendations.