News highlights: Ethiopia reports arrest of human trafficker Kidane, Coronavirus measures impact refugees and asylum seekers, Schengen external borders closed for 30 days

In this week’s news highlights: UNHCR and IOM temporarily suspend refugee resettlement; Mixed Migration Centre criticizes ‘root cause’ approach to migration; COVID-19 could “decimate” refugee communities; Ethiopia reports the arrest of notorious human trafficker Kidane Zekarias Haftemariam and five others; 77.6 million dollar aid plan for Ethiopia; Refugees concerned about digital registration; UN Security Council proposes to end UNAMID mission in Darfur, Sudan; Nevsun’s Eritrea-slavery case has legal implications for other Canadian companies, EU closes the external Schengen borders for 30 days, exempting those seeking international protection; Migrants on Greek islands can receive 2.000 euro in new voluntary return initiative; Human traffickers sentenced to 125 years by Turkish court; Child dies in Lesbos refugee camp fire; The Netherlands closes asylum seekers’ centres for new inhabitants amid COVID-19 measures; Registration of asylum applications suspended in Belgium amid COVID-19 measures; Malta accused of ignoring distress calls; UN and IOM decry return of a refugee boat to Libya; And International community calls for a ceasefire in Libya to focus on COVID-19.

Closure of Hitsats refugee camp in Ethiopia

Anonymous sources confirmed that the federal government of Ethiopia ordered the closure of Hitsats refugee camp in Tigray province of Ethiopia. All camp refugees have been asked to relocate to another camp which is already overpopulated and does not have a functioning infrastructure. The government justifies the closure as a ‘budget constraint’, however UNHCR argues that the budget for 2020 was already approved and allocated to the Administration for Refugee & Returnee Affairs (ARRA), a governmental agency which has the mandate over refugees in Ethiopia. Hitsats, as the youngest camp in Tigray region, is currently home to more than 10,000 Eritrean refugees. 

News Highlights: Sudan’s civilians and military reach agreement, airstrike kills 44 migrants and refugees in Libya, Captain Sea-Watch freed

In this week’s news highlights: Sudan’s military and civilian groups reach agreement, Snipers opened fire during a civilian protest march; Ethiopia and Eritrea to connect naval infrastructure; Eritrea is chairing the UNHRC despite human rights abuses; Eritrean protest symbols features by Italian draughtsman; Migrants detained in a Libyan hangar died of hunger, thirst and diseases; Libyan military strikes killed and injured hundreds of migrants; Canadian firm’s contract with Sudan denounced by Amnesty International; Arrested German captain of the rescue ship finally freed by Italian court; The court rules out the transfer under the Dublin regulation; the US and China are in feud over influence in Africa.