News Highlights: Crimes in Darfur continue, Brussels Demonstration demands protection in Libya, IOM’s return scheme puts refugees at risk

In this week’s news highlights: Hundreds of refugees demonstrate against entrapment and abuse in Libya; Mare Jonio and Sea Watch 3 boats to resume work at the end of May; Conference on democracy in Eritrea hits a nerve; Appointments for asylum in Greece set in 2023 – system is overloaded; Refugees in Europe live longer but are more traumatised, states report; EU planning a conference on Horn of Africa economic development; Religious freedom in Eritrea and Sudan; RSF still perpetrates crimes and violence in Darfur; Corruption in South Sudan; Refugees at risk over ‘voluntary’ return from Libya; Sudanese people refouled to Libya die in Meditteranean sea; One in three died along the central Mediterranean route in 2019.

News Highlights: Ride for Justice to support refugees in Libya, Sudan tensions grow, Fighting stops activity of Libyan Coast Guard

In this week’s news highlights: Border between Eritrea and Ethiopia is closed, but refugees continue to escape; Eritrea summons UNHCR over return conditions for refugees as fears over ‘voluntary’ return of Eritreans remains; Sudan protests continue, as AU extends – again – the deadline for transfer of power; EU delegation visits Khartoum; US lobbyists helped South Sudan to battle sanctions; Meeting in Ethiopia to revitalise peace agreement South Sudan; More details on militia group attack of detention center in Libya; Libyan Coast guard stops safe and rescue operations amid fighting, says NGO; Ride4Justice demands safety for refugees in Libya; Migrants in the suburbs of Dunkirk kept away from emergency accommodation; Italy takes 146 evacuees from fighting in Libya; and Germany postpones decisions on asylum for some Syrians.

News Highlights: Deaths in Libyan detention centres, “peace did not change Eritrea”, NGOs criticise returns to Libya

In this week’s news highlights: conditions deteriorate in the Zintan detention centre in Libya; MSF reports the degrading conditions for refugees in Tripoli centre; Refugees in Tunisian UNHCR shelter driven to suicide attempts; Political and economical instabilly and protest continue in Sudan; UN Human Rights Council discusses lack of progress on human rights in Eritrea; EU’s continued engagement in Eritrea criticised; Ethnic violence and humanitarian crisis threaten to escalate in Southern Ethiopia; Head of mission Libya of MSF criticises Europe’s and France’s migration policy; NGO Alarmphone alarmed by European policy to deter refugees and migrants; and asylum applications in the EU in 2018 decline to pre-2014 levels.