News Highlights: Study 2% Eritrean diaspora tax, clashes in Ethiopia, remembering crackdown Eritrea

In this week’s news highlights: new study published on 2% diaspora tax for Eritreans in Europe confirming reports of coercion and threat; German charity denies Italian allegations that its rescue ship has had contact with Libyan smugglers; European Parliament delegation visits Tunisia to discuss about current situation of migrants and refugees; BCC launches websites for Eritrean and Ethiopian audiences; Ethiopian ethnic crisis may escalate as officials point fingers at each other; Eritrean people remember the day in which the government crackdown of 2001.

New UNHCR report shows displaced people on the rise in 2016 – again

On the 19th of June the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) released its annual report on “Global Trends on forced displacement” for 2016. The report collects the yearly data on the different categories of people affected by forced displacement: refugees, returned refugees, asylum seekers, Internal Displaced People (IDPs), returned IDPs, stateless people and other persons of concern to UNHCR.

News Highlights: Last warnings on relocation, UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, new report on Libya

In this week’s news highlights, the European Commission gives last warnings to the Visegrad countries on relocation quotas, the number of people crossing the Mediterranean Sea continues to drop and Italy announces funding for food security in Eritrea; Civil society organisations ask for the renewal of the mandate UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea; a new Eritrean community starts in Switzerland and a new report was published on ill-treatment of migrants in Libya.