News Highlights: France deports Eritrean woman, UNHCR warns of deadly summer on Mediterranean Sea, Arrests and internet shutdown Sudan

In this week’s news highlights: Refoulement of an Eritrean woman from France to Eritrea; Migration pushback could lead to instability; seven bodies recovered off the Greek coast; Sudanese opposition leaders arrested in Sudan; al-Bashir to be charged with corruption; NGOs write to UNSC on Sudan; Sudan’s Internet shutdown continues; African writers and activists urge Eritrean President for change; Eritrean diaspora protests through #Enough; Leaked Russian documents show plans for Africa; Report on an Ethiopian dam’s effect on livelihoods; UNHCR warns of deadly summer on the Mediterranean Sea; 160 persons apprehended by the army in Chad.

Interview with Zerai Kiros Abraham, co-organiser of the Ride4Justice campaign

Zerai Kiros, Eritrean human rights activist living in Frankfurt, is one of the organizers of the ‘Ride4Justice’ campaign.  In the interview, he explains the underlying reasons of the Ride4Justice project which aimed to bring attention on the situation of migrants in Libyan detention centers where thousands of people are trapped, in a growing climate of  political tension and military instability.

#Ride4Justice – a unique demonstration demands EU action on refugees stuck in Libya

From May 1st to 5th, Eritrean refugees cycled from Frankfurt to Brussels, for 452 kilometers. The ‘Ride4Justice’  started from Frankfurt, Koblenz, Köln, Aachen from there to Maastricht and finally to Brussels, to raise awareness about the inhumane conditions that refugees and migrants in Libya are trapped in. Torture, lack of food, water, and other abuse takes place in human trafficking warehouses and official detention centres alike. The cyclists arrived Sunday evening at the Maximilian Park in Brussels after the five-day bike ride. On Monday, hundreds joined them to take part in a demonstration in front of the European Commission buildings at Rond-Point Schuman.