News Highlights: Ethiopia makes first step towards peace with Eritrea, Algeria as a new gateway of migrants, Suggestions for a new EU-Africa relation

In this week’s news highlights: How will Eritrea respond in Ethiopia’s call for peace?; Estefanos urges EU for sanctions to Eritrea; On their way to Yemen, Ethiopians drown or go missing; The South Sudanese prolonged hunger; Freed victims of human trafficking in Libya; Algeria becomes the alternative route to Europe for refugees and migrants; How the EU-Africa relationship should be renewed; After allegations, Head of EASO resigns; Documentary investigates EU migration policy and its effects.

News Highlights: Eritrea slave labour lawsuit in Canada, Israel crackdown on refugees, Libya slave market video

In this week’s news highlights: the court case against Canadian mining company Nevsun for use of forced labour and mistreatment in Eritrea can move ahead; Eritrean refugees protest in Ethiopia refugee camp; Israel takes plans to deport or imprison Sudanese and Eritrean refugees to the next level; Africa Monitors reports on fate of deported Eritreans; video of Libyan slave markets sparks outrage; and the African Union and European Union prepare for the third AU-EU summit next week.

News Highlights: Eritrean diaspora protests, message from inside Eritrea, Horn of Africa drought

In this week’s news highlights: a member of the Freedom Friday (Arbi Harnet) speaks to a Dutch journalist about the protest in Asmara; article emphasises that ordinary people organised protest Asmara; air strikes in Somalia; drought in the Horn of Africa continues impacting the region; Eritrean diaspora rallies and unites worldwide; report calls for change of EU-Eritrea migration policies; rape used as instrument of war in Libya.