ECRE and UNHCR in a joint collaboration assess the ‘future of asylum in Europe’
posted in: Asylum Seekers, Dublin Regulation, ECRE, EEPA news and activities, European Politics, European Union, Libya, Refugees in the EU, UNHCR |
On October 23 and 24, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) in a joint collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) held its annual conference on the topic of ‘The Future of Asylum in Europe: Assessing and Capitalising on Changes at EU Level’. Keynote speakers agreed that refugees and migrants should be more involved in EU policy-making, as their stories should be told. Speakers also stated that disembarkation should be on EU soil, since the deal with Libya is contravenes all principles of human rights. The future of asylum in Europe was discussed and views on the EU agenda brought forward.