News Highlights: Ethiopian troops executed three MSF workers in 2021 – NYT, Deaths off the Libyan coast, UN says EU has double standards

In this week’s News Highlights: NYT report states Ethiopian troops were ordered to execute three MSF aid workers; WHO Chief calls attention to humanitarian crisis in Tigray; Ethiopian government says it is investigating burning of man in Benishangul-Gumuz; Ethiopia suffering from ‘media fatigue’; UNITAMS concerned over West Darfur; South Sudan’s hunger crisis; 70 migrants and refugees dead off Libya in two weeks; UN concerned over Libyan politics; EU clears path to extend funding for Ukraine refugees; UN Human Rights chief scolds EU over double standards; Cyprus President promises to improve camps; Italy to provide allowance to non-EU migrants; One child refugee in Ukraine every second; Far-right Belgian party proposes to suspend asylum for all non-Ukrainian refugees; UK monthly cheque for people housing Ukrainians raises human trafficking concerns.

News Highlights: Arrests of Tigrayans increasing in Ethiopia, Libya evacuations resume, Another pushback allegation for Greece

In this week news highlights: Foreign citizens of Tigrayan descent detained in Ethiopia; 70 UN aid drivers detained in Ethiopia; Mass arrests of Tigrayans continues; Amnesty International reports rapes by Tigrayan fighters; Ethiopian government open for negotiations with preconditions; UNSC discussed Sudan on Thursday; Sudanese lawyer sketches three possible directions after Sudan coup; Conflict in Tigray compounds crises in neighbouring countries; Sudan to open two more refugee camps; 170 refugees relocated to Niger from Libya; Migrants and refugees stranded in Tunisia; Almost 900 individuals crossed the Channel; Greek authorities accused of illegal pushbacks; Thousands of migrants and refugees landed in Italy this week; Spanish police arrest 15 individuals for human smuggling; Hundreds of migrants and refugees stranded at Polish-Belarusian border, EU considers blacklisting airlines; and Organizations appealing to world leaders to tackle climate change impacts on migration.

News Highlights: Mass arrests of refugees in Libya, Ethiopian Airlines smuggled weapons into Eritrea, Warnings of new offensive in Tigray

In this week news highlights: Ethiopian Airlines smuggled weapons to Eritrea – CNN report; CNN report could lead to further US sanctions; New offensive in Tigray imminent as Abiy starts new term; European Parliament warns of sanctions in resolution; Further warnings of famine in Tigray; Whistleblower says Facebook fans the flames of ethnic violence in Ethiopia; Thousands of migrants and refugees arrested and imprisoned by Libyan authorities; Thousands intercepted and returned by Libyan coast guards; EU member state pushbacks under EU funded projects; 57 migrants and refugees drowned crossing the Canarian route; One death in fire in Italian migrant camp; Swiss parliament approved possibility to search asylum seekers’ personal devices ; 140 alleged smugglers arrested by Frontex; 18 people smugglers arrested in Romania; IOM report on missing migrants calls for governments’ support.