European Parliament resolution on the recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray: strong statements or missed opportunities?

On 4 and 5 October the European Parliament held debates on the EU’s strategic partnership with the Horn of Africa and the joint resolution on “The recent humanitarian and human rights situation in Tigray, Ethiopia, notably that of children” that … Continued

Roadmap on asylum and migration and rotating Council presidencies: what implications for EU asylum and migration law?

The signature of the Joint Roadmap on Asylum and Migration by the European Parliament and Council heralds a busy legislative period that could have significant and lasting impact, not only on legislation, but on the direction European Asylum and migration law takes in the future. The proposed large overhaul of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) seems unlikely to pass in time and the Czech Council presidency is attempting to pass smaller, more consensual pieces of legislation; but according to critics also more problematic in their implications such as the instrumentalization regulation.This regulation, according to some, would make permanently accessible emergency opt out mechanisms, weakening EU asylum law and the international asylum system as a whole