Horn Highlights: Former Tigrayan officials arrested, Estimates of half a million dead, Fast action on drought-related starvation needed

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Former Tigrayan officials arrested in Ethiopia; US committee Chair calls for genocide assessement in Ethiopia conflict; Ethiopian court extends journalist detention; Estimates that war killed 500.000 in Tigray; WHO says it is awaiting permission to ship 95 tons of aid into Tigray; MSF wants clarity on killings of its staff in Tigray; Mercy Corps urges rapid action on drought-related starvation in Horn; China envoy to the Horn announces peace conference; Eritrea arrests 29 evangelists; Eritrean refugees detained and fined in Sudan.

Horn Highlights: Government forces burn man alive, 7 million need humanitarian assistance, South Sudan faces worst hunger crisis ever

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Ethiopian Government forces accused of burning man alive; Seven million need humanitarian assistance in Tigray; HRW says attacks against girls and women in Ethiopia should end; Women organisations call for medical services for sexual violence … Continued