News Highlights: South Sudan at risk of famine, Refugees under threat in Tigray camps, Call to make COVID-19 vaccines available for all

In this week’s news highlights: International concern about human rights in Tigray; Continuation of GERD Dam talks remains difficult amid regional tensions; Increased risk of famine in South Sudan; Report Eritrean troops in Tigray occupy refugee camp area; Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia still largely cut off from aid; 265 migrants and refugees rescued at Mediterranean Sea and land in Italy; At least 20 deaths and more missing after Christmas boat sinking off the coast of Tunisia; Destroyed camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina leaves thousand of migrants and refugees unsheltered; EU-funded refugee camp near Athens provides insufficient conditions; EU plans to fund refugee aid in Turkey; Between 400 and 800 migrants and refugees forced to leave from makeshift camps in Calais, France; Italy pays tribute to the life of an Ethiopian refugee; World leaders are urged to make COVID-vaccine globally available; COVID-19 pandemic worsened the global refugee crises.

News Highlights: Concern over indications of genocidal tendencies in Tigray, ‘Black book’ shows illegal pushbacks, Over 3,000 migration deaths in 2020

In this week’s news highlights: Conflict in Tigray appears to show indications of genocidal tendencies; Journalists present evidence of Eritrean military in the conflict, and damage, looting and humanitarian disaster in Tigray; Violence against Eritrean refugees in Tigray continues; UN calls for full access to Tigray as first assessment missions enter; Children in Sudanese refugee camps face post-traumatic symptoms; ARCI reports the EU continues externalisation of migration policy in Sudan; The NCHRL rejects settling migrants and refugees in Libya; Italian pathologist tries to identify around 1,000 deaths from 2015 shipwreck; The EU calls for action for migrants and refugees in Bosnia; Refugees experience increase in mental health problems at ‘Moria 2:0’ camp; ‘Black book’ exposes thousands of illegal pushbacks in Europe; and at least over 3,000 fatalities on migration routes so far in 2020