News Highlights: Ethiopia’s navy plans, Eritrea takes chair of Khartoum Process, report accuses EU of complicity in refugee abuse

In this week’s news highlights: Eritrea chairs the Khartoum process; France to help Ethiopia in building its navy; the Ethiopian Airlines disaster; Eritrean civil society launches social media campaign against the regime; the UN Human rights Council discusses human rights in Eritrea; Sudanese President reshuffles cabinet; Libya asks support in rescue activity in the desert; Panel on Libya crimes in Geneva; German Government responds to voluntary returns in the context of the EU-Turkey deal, and Amnesty International condemns EU for accountability in abuses along Balkan Route and the EU responsibility in Libya humans rights violations. 

New agreement ends no war, no peace situation between Ethiopia and Eritrea

Eritrea and Ethiopia have agreed to end the conflict that has existed between the two countries since 1998. In signing the agreement the Prime Ministers of the two countries made a commitment to begin normalizing relations between their countries. In announcing the agreement Eritrean Information Minister said that the “state of war that existed between the two countries has come to an end”.

News Highlights: South Sudanese peace deal, Eritrean and Ethiopian leaders to meet soon, EU Summit’s conclusions on migration

In this week’s news highlights: South Sudan peace deal signed; UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations discusses the peace deal;Eritrean and Ethiopian PMs to meet soon; The new EU Conclusions on migration management further increase border externalization, proposing ‘disembarkation platforms’; Experts denounce EU migration policy; Don’t build walls, support refugees to support themselves, ex refugee says; Oxford Professor suggests EU can be taught lessons by Africa’s migration management.