News Highlights: Dialogue on Eritrea in the UN HRC, Proposed UK bill would violate international law, warns EU, Sudan sanctions extended

In this week’s news highlights: UN High Commissioner calls for full implementation of CoH Agreement; Tigray government says interim administration not yet formed; UNHCR assessment in Eastern Tigray reveals widespread abuses; Witnesses speak on Eritrean massacre in October 2022; Effects of Tigray blockade linger; Interactive dialogue on Eritrea in the HRC; Concern over Eritrean information centre in Uganda; Victims of clashes in Somalia need aid; UNSC extends Sudan sanctions; South Sudanese ministers dismissed; UN HRC hears of impunity for abuses in South Sudan; 14 people drown off Tunisian coast, as racist attacks spike; EU pledges further support to Libya in letter; UK’s proposed bill would violate international law, says EU Commissioner; France/UK leaders meet to discuss migration; Hungary continues blocking extension Contonou Agreement; Justice and Home Affairs Council EU discusses migration; Belgium announces increase in reception capacity; and Italy accuses Greece of turning away boats.

News highlights: Ethiopia peace talks delayed, Eritreans in Germany no longer forced to Eritrean embassies, Frontex covering up Greek pushbacks

In this week’s news highlights: Peace talks in South Africa on Ethiopia delayed; Isaias Afewerki’s intentions for Ethiopia; Tigray forces accused of extrajudicial killings in Kobo; ICHREE mandate extended; Eritrean trafficker arrested and extradited to Italy; Joint statement condemning the resumption of hostilities in Tigray; Ministers from the 8 IGAD members meet in Nairobi; Interweaving crises are complicating efforts to address hunger, warns UN; Somali journalist syndicate under increasing pressure from government; 15 migrants and refugees murdered by traffickers in Libya; UN human rights report calls out violation of migrants rights in Libya return programme; German court declares  Eritreans cannot be forced to Eritrean embassies for documents; Frontex accused of covering up Greek pushbacks; Mediterranean member states call for Frontex to operate inside third counties; Bounty placed on information about Eritrean human trafficker; ECRE and PICUM publish analysis of EU response to Ukraine crisis; Pope Francis says treatment of migrants “sinful”; Ukrainian refugee protection extended until March 2024.

News Highlights: Ethiopian troops executed three MSF workers in 2021 – NYT, Deaths off the Libyan coast, UN says EU has double standards

In this week’s News Highlights: NYT report states Ethiopian troops were ordered to execute three MSF aid workers; WHO Chief calls attention to humanitarian crisis in Tigray; Ethiopian government says it is investigating burning of man in Benishangul-Gumuz; Ethiopia suffering from ‘media fatigue’; UNITAMS concerned over West Darfur; South Sudan’s hunger crisis; 70 migrants and refugees dead off Libya in two weeks; UN concerned over Libyan politics; EU clears path to extend funding for Ukraine refugees; UN Human Rights chief scolds EU over double standards; Cyprus President promises to improve camps; Italy to provide allowance to non-EU migrants; One child refugee in Ukraine every second; Far-right Belgian party proposes to suspend asylum for all non-Ukrainian refugees; UK monthly cheque for people housing Ukrainians raises human trafficking concerns.