Call for revision of Frontex regulation; IRC changes aid route to Sudan; “Eritrea occupies “sovereign Eritrean territories” in Tigray, it claims

Situation in Tigray (per 29 February) Situation in Ethiopia (per 29 February) Situation in Eritrea (per 29 February) Situation in Sudan (per 29 February) International Situation (per 29 February) Refugee and Migration Situation (per 29 February) Links of interest News: … Continued

Intense fighting in Amhara; Handing over refugees to Libya deemed unlawful by Italian court; Zalambessa residents plea for renewed infrastructure

Residents of Zalambessa, Tigray, urge authorities to rebuild important infrastructure of the town; Drought affecting agricultural and education sectors in Tigray; Intense fighting reported in Amhara; Somaliland Ministry for Foreign Affairs claims MoU with Ethiopia is consistent with international law; Handing over refugees to Libyan coast guard is deemed unlawful by Italian court; EU’s migration policies have been detrimental for safety and protection of refugees and migrants; The insufficient response for refugees fleeing the Sudan conflict to Chad and South Sudan.

News Highlights: RSF moves into Al Jazira state, Roundtable on Eritrea, Tunisia sends €60 million back to EU amidst tensions

In this week’s News Highlights: Roundtable on Eritrea; African Union speaks out on Israel-Palestinian conflict; RSF moving into Al Jazira state in Sudan; Number of deaths continues to mount in Sudan; UNHRC adopts resolution to establish independent fact finding mission in Sudan; Sudan education crisis as 19 million children are out of school; Bellingcat investigation geo-locates videos in Sudan; UN Special Adviser warns of heightened risk of genocide in Ethiopia; USAID resumes food aid to refugees in Ethiopia; Tigray Interim Government preparing for defence as ICHREE mandate not extended; Eritrean PFDJ-linked Council announces demonstration in Germany; Ethiopian diaspora calls for cessation of hostilities in Amhara and Oromia; Report looks at Libyan human smuggling dynamics; Tunisia hands back 60 million euros to EU; Tensions are rising between Maghreb countries and the EU; Reform of EU migration policy nears completion; European Commission’s response to Hungary about EU’s migration pact; Med5 group meets in Greece to discuss migration; German draft proposal to facilitate deportations; and German foreign minister addresses misunderstanding over funding to NGOs.