News Highlights: Conference Eritrea in Brussels, Dawit Isaak shortlisted for Sakharov Prize, situation in Sabratha critical

In this week’s news highlights: Brussels conference ‘Eritrea and the Ongoing Refugee Crisis’ next week; Eritrean official denied entry at conference US, sparks rumors of arrest; protests in Ethiopia; food shortage for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda; OXFAM published a report warning EU about its migration policies; ‘illegal migrant smuggling’ topping EU security priorities; Dawit Isaak shortlisted as finalist for EU Sakharov prize; Merkel agrees on 200.000 net migration limit; migrants and refugees in Sabratha left stranded after fighting.

The fragmentation of Libya and the response of the European Union

More than one month has passed since the series of European meetings with two rival Libyan representatives, Tripoli government’s prime minister al-Serraj and general Haftar, governor of the north-eastern regions, which saw French and Italian governments involved as peace seekers. What is Libya’s current situation and what does this mean for the migrants and refugees in Libya?

News Highlights: Human trafficking in Libya, Eritrea Afar displacement, famine report South Sudan

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In this week’s news highlights we will share with you the latest reports on migration and international affairs. This includes the situation of unaccompanied minors in Europe, human trafficking in the Libya and a report on South Sudan that explains how the country ended up in a state of famine and violence. This week’s news highlights also includes a press release by Eritrean Afar State in Exile concerning the displacement of indigenous people in Eritrea and the latest news about migration in Europe and the famine in the Horn of Africa.