Horn Highlights: No signs yet of aid in Tigray, Food stocks in Tigray at all time low, Amnesty calls on Egypt to stop deporting Eritreans

In this week’s Horn Highlights: UNOCHA says food stocks in Tigray at all time low; Reports that no aid trucks have entered Tigray despite humanitarian ceasefire; BBC interview with women who report being raped in Amhara; National Dialogue dead on arrival, states Wight; Amhara regional president asks for Russian support to rebuild; UAE continues to send aid to Tigray; calls to protect Ethiopian patriarch; Eritrean troops remain in Tigray despite year-old announcement of withdrawal; Amnesty International calls on Egypt to stop deportations of Eritreans; and Egypt and Sudan deepen military Cooperation.

News Highlights: Ethiopian troops executed three MSF workers in 2021 – NYT, Deaths off the Libyan coast, UN says EU has double standards

In this week’s News Highlights: NYT report states Ethiopian troops were ordered to execute three MSF aid workers; WHO Chief calls attention to humanitarian crisis in Tigray; Ethiopian government says it is investigating burning of man in Benishangul-Gumuz; Ethiopia suffering from ‘media fatigue’; UNITAMS concerned over West Darfur; South Sudan’s hunger crisis; 70 migrants and refugees dead off Libya in two weeks; UN concerned over Libyan politics; EU clears path to extend funding for Ukraine refugees; UN Human Rights chief scolds EU over double standards; Cyprus President promises to improve camps; Italy to provide allowance to non-EU migrants; One child refugee in Ukraine every second; Far-right Belgian party proposes to suspend asylum for all non-Ukrainian refugees; UK monthly cheque for people housing Ukrainians raises human trafficking concerns.

News Highlights: 1 million flee Ukraine, UN Commission of Experts to investigate Ethiopia, Humanitarian flight from Libya

In this week’s news highlights: UN Commission of Experts to investigate possible violations of international law in Ethiopia; Medical facilities’ lack of supplies cause patients’ deaths in Tigray; Children severely impacted by drought; Dissolution of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission; Illicit trade of historical artefacts from Tigray; Teenagers arrested and allegedly tortured following pro-democracy protests in Sudan; Attempted armed attack on a food convoy in South Sudan; Nine people drown as boat capsizes off Tunisia; Humanitarian flight arrives with 99 refugees from Libya; War in Ukraine reveals different treatment of refugees; 1 million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country; Temporary protection to be granted to Ukraine refugees; Wave of Ukraine refugees finds Poland not prepared; A UN resolution demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces, and those opposing it; A war with repercussions for Africa’s food supplies; Event addresses risks for women in the run-up to Women’s Day; Opening of an investigation by the ICC on “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine.