The EU’s lack of a unified voice leads to scapegoating of migrants in some countries

The European Commission (EC) decided to apply a temporary restriction for non-essential travel from third countries into the European Union or in other words, closed the Schengen external borders. The EU hoped that the decision would enable the lifting of internal border controls. However, such controls have already been applied by several member states in an effort to limit the spread of the virus. Some have criticized the EU’s lack of a unified response and clear message; and some countries, like Hungary and Italy, justify their anti-migration policies by using the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus.

The UN Global Compact for Migration: Issues at Stake

Even though the United Nations (UN) have endeavored to protect refugees by filling the policy gaps with legal instruments, they have not yet established a common framework for the rights of migrants. For this reason, they are trying to create a new Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. However, some critical notes have arisen on the draft text. The final vote and adoption will take place on December 10-11, 2018 in Morocco.

News Highlights: UN report on Libyan atrocities, Somalia and UAE tension, EP report condemns Hungary

In this week’s news highlights: Israel’s government given until 15 April to show Uganda deal; UN report on detention and torture in Libya;Seizure of money in Somalia creates political upsurge; Darfur rebel group asks for humanitarian help; Sudanese President reported to have ordered release of detainees; Hearing on Eritrea’s refugees taking place in Washington; Ethiopian President asks for unity; and a European Parliament draft report calls for the Council to take strong action against Hungary over migration.