News Highlights: African women call for peace initiative in the Horn, EU halts budget funds to Ethiopia, Tunisians majority of arrivals in Italy

In this week’s news highlights: Unhindered humanitarian aid not yet a reality in Tigray, Ethiopia; 120 African women sign appeal for peace force in the Horn; Somalia breaks diplomatic ties with Kenya; Recognition of Shona and Rwandan descendants by Kenyan government; HRW’s report addresses issues around abuses conducted by NSS agents in South Sudan; Young people flee from Tunisia a decade after the revolution; UNHCR states 930,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance in Libya; The EU halts annual budgetary support to Ethiopia over human rights concerns in Tigray; 3 persons arrested in Spain after degrading labour conditions for migrants discovered; The Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner asks to Bosnian authorities to provide support for refugees; South Sudanese singer one of 3,000 to face potential deportation from The Netherlands; UNHCR celebrates 70th anniversary; IOM and UNHCR stress need for universal health coverage.

For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.

News Highlights: Alarm Phone’s reconstruction of deadly shipwreck week, refugee food rations cut amid funding shortages in East Africa, Italy convicts three men for crimes in Libyan detention center

In this week’s news highlights: Alarm Phone’s reconstruction of deadly week of shipwrecks off Libya’s coast; 15-fold increase in Libyan COVID-19 cases; IOM resumes migrant repatriation flights from Libya; Major food ration cuts for refugees in East Africa amid funding shortages; Many missing persons from Horn countries and Libya; Eritrean activist missing for over two years in Ethiopia; Italy convicts three men to twenty years in prison for crimes in Libyan detention centre; NGO Mediterranea to resume search-and-rescue operations; France relocates 49 unaccompanied children from Greece; Bosnia and Herzegovina’s restrictions on asylum seekers “discriminatory and reckless”; And Greece continues to claim ‘fake news’ as evidence of abuse and illegal pushbacks mount.