News Highlights Extra No. 8: Conflict in the Horn
EEPA is sending extra news highlights on the conflict in the Horn of Africa: previous highlights extra and EEPA’s situation reports on the Horn crisis.
EEPA is sending extra news highlights on the conflict in the Horn of Africa: previous highlights extra and EEPA’s situation reports on the Horn crisis.
In this week’s news highlights: Unhindered humanitarian aid not yet a reality in Tigray, Ethiopia; 120 African women sign appeal for peace force in the Horn; Somalia breaks diplomatic ties with Kenya; Recognition of Shona and Rwandan descendants by Kenyan government; HRW’s report addresses issues around abuses conducted by NSS agents in South Sudan; Young people flee from Tunisia a decade after the revolution; UNHCR states 930,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance in Libya; The EU halts annual budgetary support to Ethiopia over human rights concerns in Tigray; 3 persons arrested in Spain after degrading labour conditions for migrants discovered; The Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner asks to Bosnian authorities to provide support for refugees; South Sudanese singer one of 3,000 to face potential deportation from The Netherlands; UNHCR celebrates 70th anniversary; IOM and UNHCR stress need for universal health coverage.
For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.
In this week’s news highlights: Alarm Phone’s reconstruction of deadly week of shipwrecks off Libya’s coast; 15-fold increase in Libyan COVID-19 cases; IOM resumes migrant repatriation flights from Libya; Major food ration cuts for refugees in East Africa amid funding shortages; Many missing persons from Horn countries and Libya; Eritrean activist missing for over two years in Ethiopia; Italy convicts three men to twenty years in prison for crimes in Libyan detention centre; NGO Mediterranea to resume search-and-rescue operations; France relocates 49 unaccompanied children from Greece; Bosnia and Herzegovina’s restrictions on asylum seekers “discriminatory and reckless”; And Greece continues to claim ‘fake news’ as evidence of abuse and illegal pushbacks mount.