Horn Highlights: Armed men attack a refugee camp killing five, GERD dam starts producing electricity, AU-EU call for a joint 2030 vision

In this week’s Horn Highlights: Joint AU-EU statement emerges from Summit; Eritrean refugees killed in Afar, says UN; Investigation shows Facebook continues to fail to take action on posts inciting ethnic violence in Ethiopia; GERD starts to produce electricity; Last UN staff freed in Ethiopia; CPJ says journalist about to be charged despite lifting of emergency state; New 243-page report about Ethiopia conflict; Ethiopian government will not delist TPLF as terror organisation, states spokesperson; Health in Tigray critical, hospital warns; National dialogue commissioners appointed; Eritrean opposition indicates Eritrean troops being moved; Hospital patient killed in Sudan by stray bullet.

Horn Highlights: Special session in the UN Human Rights Council, Journalist arrested, Fire breaks out in refugee camp

In this week Horn highlights: UN Human Rights Council expected to meet in special session on Ethiopia; Ethiopian journalist arrested and is missing; TDF recaptures UNESCO site of Lalibela; TDF accused of executing civilians; Al Jazeera on the role of drones in the conflict; Fire breaks out in a refugee camp in Sudan.

News Highlights: WFP suspends aid to Dessie and Kombolcha, Refugees protest in Libya, Increasing ‘digital deterrents’ for migrants in EU

In this week news highlights: WFP halts food aid to Dessie and Kombolcha amidst looting; Experts warn over potential consequences of lack of action in Ethiopia; Feltman to visit UAE, Egypt, Turkey; UNHCR and Ethiopia issue joint call for more … Continued