News Highlights: Dialogue on Eritrea in the UN HRC, Proposed UK bill would violate international law, warns EU, Sudan sanctions extended

In this week’s news highlights: UN High Commissioner calls for full implementation of CoH Agreement; Tigray government says interim administration not yet formed; UNHCR assessment in Eastern Tigray reveals widespread abuses; Witnesses speak on Eritrean massacre in October 2022; Effects of Tigray blockade linger; Interactive dialogue on Eritrea in the HRC; Concern over Eritrean information centre in Uganda; Victims of clashes in Somalia need aid; UNSC extends Sudan sanctions; South Sudanese ministers dismissed; UN HRC hears of impunity for abuses in South Sudan; 14 people drown off Tunisian coast, as racist attacks spike; EU pledges further support to Libya in letter; UK’s proposed bill would violate international law, says EU Commissioner; France/UK leaders meet to discuss migration; Hungary continues blocking extension Contonou Agreement; Justice and Home Affairs Council EU discusses migration; Belgium announces increase in reception capacity; and Italy accuses Greece of turning away boats.

News Highlights: EU’s return & relocations plans, Horn of Africa reports, resettlement of Eritreans

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This week’s news highlights includes the outcomes of the Justice and Home Affairs Council held in Brussels this week, News highlight of this week concerning the Europe and North Africa relations is Tripoli’s court block of the Italy-Libya deal on migration. Also, we will update you on the situation of Eritrean refugees in Yemen and Ethiopia, including the impact on their situation due to Trump’s executive order on resettlement. The latest updates concerning the Horn of Africa are three newly released reports covering mixed migration, the drought and children in armed conflict in the region.