News Highlights: Three MSF workers killed in Tigray; Key aid supply bridge destroyed in Tigray; Greece to allow refugee travel in EU

In this week’s news highlights: Key supply bridge connecting western Tigray destroyed; EEPA webinar discusses Eritrean involvement in Tigray; Hundreds dying in inaccessible areas in Tigray; Three MSF workers murdered in Tigray; Organisations call for protection of civilians amid changes in Tigray; Kenya accused of illegally deporting asylum seekers; MSF workers forced to leave detention centres over risk of violence;; Greek minister reinstates freedom of travel for refugees and migrants; Four hundred migrants and refugees on hunger strike in Brussels; Seven refugees drown as boat capsizes off the coast of Lampedusa; Malta asks Libyan coast guard to intercept a refugee boat; IOM states that refugees and migrants healthcare being neglected on a global scale.

COVID-19: Setting the stage for radicalization into violent extremism in Pumwani, Kenya

posted in: Africa, Al-Shahaab, COVID-19, Kenya | 0

Pumwani, on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, has in the past been depicted as hub of radicalization for youth turning to the Somali militant group al-Shabab. The situation changed due to preventing/countering violent extremism (PCVE) interventions by different groups. However, due to reduced business in Gikomba market caused by COVID-19, fire outbreaks and demolition of businesses and residential premises, the stage is set for extremist groups to manipulate local grievances to gain position and traction.

Lockdown of Kenyan Eastleigh commercial hub impacts the local economy

posted in: COVID-19, Kenya | 0

By Francis Kinyua. Due to increased community transmission of COVID-19, the government executed a two-week cessation of movement in and out of Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya on Wednesday, May 6 2020. It immediately posed a negative impact on residents and thousands of business people who operate in the area. There was a heavy presence of security officers in all parts of the district, with roadblocks mounted at all major entry points to prevent movement in and out of the densely populated area inhabited mostly by natives of the Somali community.