News Highlights: Airstrike on Tigray village market, US and UN condemn Eritrean presence in Tigray, UK scraps pledge for refugee resettlement

In this week’s news highlights: Airstrike in Togoga market kills dozens of civilians; UNHCR reports on refugees and IDPs in Tigray; UNSC calls for stop to sexual violence as a weapon of war in Tigray; US and UN condemn Eritrean presence in Tigray; Ethiopia PM denies starvation in Tigray; 5 Somali teenagers accuse guards of sexual assault at EU-funded detention centre in Libya; The EU discusses the next round of external funds for Ethiopia; EU plans to fund Turkey border control raises concern from MEPs and journalists; British Government scraps numbers and dates for resettling refugees and asylum seekers; Dutch journalist accused and arrested for alleged smuggling in Greece; More than 100 migrants land in the Canary Islands; More than 82 million refugees and IDPs worldwide on World Refugee Day.

For frequent updates about the situation in the Horn, please see the EEPA Horn situation reports.

EEPA is holding its fourth Webinar “The involvement of Eritreans in the war in Tigray”, which is part of the Webinar series “Voices From Tigray”. The Webinar will take place on June 29th, 14:00-16:00 EAT, 13:00-15:00 CET, 07.00-09.00 US Eastern.
The registration link is:

News Highlights: EU-US meeting on Tigray ahead of G7, Tigrayans starving to death, Webinar highlights destruction of heritage

In this week’s news highlights: Webinar highlights the destruction of heritage and holy sites and massacres of Tigray religious leaders; In-depth report on Mai Kadra massacre published by Reuters; BBC interviewed Tigryans who said they are starving to death; UNHCR concerned about Ethiopian refugees returned from Djibouti against their will; MMC report on onward migration of refugees and migrants from East Africa; Libyan PM meets the EU Commissioner Johnsson on migration and political transition; EU and US talk about crisis in Tigray ahead of G7; People seeking asylum in Denmark could be deported according to new law; UK MPs call for parliamentary inquiry on Eritrea’s role in Tigray; Court of Auditors found “worrying” deficiencies in Frontex’s procedures; Kent threatens legal action against Home secretary over poor services for child asylum seekers; Kent council threatens to reject asylum seeker applications for speaking to the media.

News Highlights: Eritrean refugee situation of “grave concern”, 90% of people in Tigray need food aid, EU surveillance tech ramping up

In this week’s news highlights: United Nations Special Rapporteur states situation of Eritrean refugees of “grave concern”; UNICEF and Human Rights Watch state children severely affected by Tigray conflict; World Food Program reports that 90% of people in Tigray are in urgent need of food; Hundreds of detained people freed in Tigray after CNN report; Protests over US sanctions; 23 people drowned after a shipwreck off Tunisia; EU is developing and testing new surveillance digital technology that “dehumanise[s] people on the move”; Italy and France to collaborate on migration from Libya; New UK migration plan impacts the rights of refugees; Shift in migration to UK towards use of boats; and new UNHCR programme aims to enhance the education of refugees.