European Union imposes additional sanctions for human rights abuses and arms embargo violations in Libya

The European Union (EU) has implemented sanctions on three entities that have violated the UN arms embargo in Libya. Additionally, two individuals have also been sanctioned, one individual for human rights abuses against migrants and refugees in the notorious human trafficking hub Bani Walid, and the other for supplying military equipment material to the country. The sanctions are the result of follow-up by the EU on Libya, which it states is part of its commitment to peace and security in the country. This article outlines some of the activities and statements of the EU in relation to Libya in the last month.

News Highlights Extra: Radio play based on true story highlights desperate situation of refugees in Libya

Polish composer Kasia Glowicka has written and produced a radio play based on a true story of a refugee trapped in the Zintan detention centre in Libya. In the play, titled “Lilian”, the refugee Tesfay contacts a professor in Europe, linking them via WhatsApp across geography and culture. The radio play premiered on 24 September on two Polish radio stations, but is also available online.

News Highlights: EU’s ‘no more roads’ approach in Eritrea, Amnesty publishes report on cycle of abuse in Libya, New European migration pact introduced

In this week’s news highlights: Human rights organization revokes lawsuit against EU for road-building in Eritrea, after EU announces ‘no more roads’ approach; 5 Sudanese artists convicted; Missing prisoners in Eritrea memorialized digitally; Review of book series on mobility and human trafficking by Dan Connell; EU imposes sanctions for human rights violations in Libya; Amnesty calls for the EU to reconsider collaboration with Libya; Rescue ship rescues 133 migrants and refugees, 128 others returned to Libya; New EU migration pact introduced; Italian authorities restrains Sea-Watch 4 ship; Italy makes deal with Tunisia to return 500-600 people monthly; UK Home Office lifts ban on evicting asylum seekers that have been denied status; Protests in Germany to receive more migrants; Intolerance of migrants increases.